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Regarding the Russian Foreign Minister’s visit to the DPRK

On October 18–19, 2023, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov paid a ceremonial visit to Pyongyang to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the DPRK. Following a summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on September 13, the visit was officially announced to the Russian Foreign Minister on October 16, who accepted the invitation to visit the country…

Konstantin Asmolov

Some Insights into the Orban-Putin Meetup in China

The U.S., the EU, and NATO are freaking out over Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s recent meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s President Xi Jinping in Beijing. Orban is the first EU leader to hold personal talks with Putin since the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a ludicrous arrest warrant for the Russian presenting. Hungary is also one of the few European countries that has not knuckled under U.S. pressure to condemn Russia for the special military operation in Ukraine. U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman said was cited staying, “The United States is concerned about Hungary’s relationship with Russia.”…

Phil Butler

UK Minister of Offense Puts Himself in a Predicament: “Bark Worse than the Bite!”

There is always a conflict between high principle and pragmatism. Embracing both is probably a wise strategy—at least in theory. But you cannot have it both ways, or at least you shouldn’t! This is a lesson that the UK Minister of Defense is learning, and the hard way, as he has opened his mouth and inserted his foot. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps’ recent “suggestion” of British troops being sent to Ukraine to train the military for the first time was quickly walked back; at least, that is what is appeared to be the case when…

Seth Ferris