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defense ministers of India and China

Concerning the meeting in New Delhi between the defense ministers of India and China

On April 27 in New Delhi, on the margins of an SCO event, the defense ministers of India and China held talks, the very fact of which could not fail to draw attention. Because it showed that the leadership of the two largest states in the world keeps under control a complex and contradictory set of bilateral relations. In turn, this latter brings at least some positive to the picture of global insanity, which increasingly reflects the situation in the world as a whole. The formation of this picture is not least facilitated…

Vladimir Terehov

Regarding the current state of US-China relations

There are nearly constant developments in the relations between the two major international powers that merit at least cursory attention. The most recent occasions for addressing the transformation of these relations were visits of former and incumbent presidents of Taiwan, respectively, to the United States and China, as well as a series of visits to Beijing (which took the nature of pilgrimage) by European politicians of various levels of importance. In all these events, the factor of US-Chinese relations was undoubtedly present, even though more subtly so. Meanwhile, in the bilateral format over the past few weeks…

Vladimir Terehov
Pilgrimage to Beijing of European politicians.

The Pilgrimage of European politicians to Beijing, a sign of accelerating the transformation of the world order

The first two weeks of April this year were a time of pilgrimage to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by European politicians of various ranks, representing some of the continent’s leading states as well as trans-European structures. This in itself turned out to be one of the signs indicating the acceleration of the process of change that has recently been taking place both in the world as a whole and in the group of countries designated by the (increasingly conventional) term “generalized West”. No less representative of the fact that the world order as a whole is already at the stage of another radical…

Vladimir Terehov