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Gaza: divergences between the West and the Global South are deepening

Articles are increasingly appearing in the Arab press that characterize the war in Gaza as a kind of manifestation of the cataclysm of catastrophic capitalism. As the Al Jazeera website noted the other day, America’s war on terror through its proxy Israel can be more accurately described as America’s war against the whole world. “Gaza, as a metaphor, represents the true face of the clash of civilizations…

Vladimir Mashin

The ceasefire in the Gaza Strip breaks down amid renewed violence

The humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip lasted almost a week, from November 24 to December 1, during which time hostages and prisoners were exchanged and Hamas appeared to accept Israel’s offer and released hostages at the rate of an additional 10 captives for each day of peace. However, on December 1, the two sides resumed hostilities, with each accusing each other of violating the ceasefire agreement. The head of Mossad, David Barnea, at the request of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu terminated…

Alexandr Svaranc

By sanctioning renewed massacres of civilians in the Gaza Strip, the USA is challenging the international community.

On December 8, the US blocked international calls for the UN Security Council to take action in response on the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip and demand a ceasefire. Washington vetoed the resolution, with 13 of the other 14 council members voting in favor and Britain abstaining. The draft Resolution was tabled by the UAE, and was co-sponsored by nearly 100 other states. On the same day, UN Secretary General Guterres urged Council members to “spare no effort to achieve an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the protection of civilians…

Veniamin Popov