Archives New World Order - Page 3 of 8 - New Eastern Outlook
11.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as reported by The Times of Israel, said the IDF will soon enter the fray near the northern border with Lebanon to suppress Hezbollah. In recent weeks, Israel has been rushing significant forces and military equipment to the border with Lebanon as pro-Iranian Hezbollah supports Hamas militarily. Last December, it became known that the Israel Defence Forces General Staff was preparing a plan to invade southern Lebanon. In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the withdrawal of the army from the Gaza Strip and ruled out…

07.02.2024 Taut Bataut

The basis of the US-led liberal world order was laid at the end of the World War 2. However, the United States and the Soviet Union kept on fighting over the spread and influence of their respective ideologies till the 1990s. The United States’ victory in the Cold War established its hegemony over the globe. Many Western philosophers, at that time, believed that the US-led liberal world order was here to stay. Famous American political philosopher, Francis Fukuyama, in his book “The End of History and the Last Man,” also endorsed this notion…

05.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

On 26-27 January, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, and Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to the US President, met in the Thai capital Bangkok. This event should be considered an important stepping stone in the overall process of re-establishing lines of communication between the two leading world powers, which was launched during the summit of their leaders held in San Francisco last November. NEO more or less regularly comments on any noteworthy developments in this undoubtedly positive process…

02.02.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Many Western politicians are well aware of what a powerful blow the West has dealt itself by its self-serving policies and, in particular, anti-Russian sanctions and the fight against Russia, undermining its reputation among many countries around the world. Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl listed the consequences of illegal anti-Russian sanctions on the air of the Turkish TV channel TRT World. According to Kneissl, many countries, observing the sanctions against Russia, assume that it can happen to them as well. “I would say that there is a loss of trust in many institutions. And those are the main losses…

29.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

While the world’s attention is currently focused on Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians in Gaza, the escalating tension between Hezbollah and the IDF, and the unprovoked attack by the powerful US on the defenseless Houthis in Yemen, it is important to remember that the war in Sudan continues to cause great suffering to its people. The refugee crisis in the country has become a significant humanitarian issue, placing a strain on neighboring countries and casting a shadow of despair over the entire region…

26.01.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Long-promoted Western ideas and theses are now openly rejected by the world majority. To the West’s dismay, Western countries today openly acknowledge these facts, raising fears among the leaders and their associates within the Western world minority. Many pseudo-experts and so-called Western “intellectuals” associated with the pro-NATO establishment are beginning to openly talk about ongoing processes…

24.01.2024 Ivan Kopytsev

In summary, the previous article examined the factors behind the very possibility of the signing of the Ethiopia-Somaliland Memorandum of Understanding on 1 January 2024, under which Addis Ababa, at least on paper, gained long-awaited access to the Red Sea in exchange for recognition of its northeastern neighbour’s independence and, according to some reports, the transfer of control of part of Ethiopian Airlines…

24.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

As time passes after the end of France’s military presence in the Sahel and the last French troops are withdrawn from Niger, the focus of many political analysts is on analysing its previous policies in the region. The withdrawal of French troops symbolises the end of Paris’s strategy, which disproportionately emphasised military power while sidelining the more needed elements of social and political support for Africans. The same political scientists draw the natural conclusion that France’s over-reliance on the military to the detriment of fostering development ultimately led to a weakening…

23.01.2024 Vladimir Mashin

There is an increasing number of conflict situations in the world today. Most of them are caused by unilateral actions of the US, which has claimed the right to interfere in the affairs of other states. In a unipolar world, Washington continued to enrich itself at the expense of other countries and people by fomenting conflicts in various parts of the globe. In the Pacific, the US is creating tension around Taiwan, using it to “contain” China, its main economic competitor. At the same time, it is provoking strife between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea…

21.01.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

A number of prominent voices, now including those in the West, are beginning to openly say that not only has the time of Western minority dominance over world affairs come to an end, but that the Western system as a whole is collapsing, with all its consequences. All this confirms the thesis that the future system of international relations implies not only the final establishment of a multipolar world order, but also a post-Western international order. Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French historian, sociologist, social anthropologist, writer and journalist, who once predicted the collapse of the USSR in 1976…

20.01.2024 Ivan Kopytsev

The beginning of 2024 for the countries of the Horn of Africa was marked by an event that could not only significantly change the existing balance of power, but also cause another political crisis…

16.01.2024 Yuliya Novitskaya

The conversation with Mr Zenebe Kinfu Tafesse, President of the Union of African Diasporas, was direct, frank and in some places sharp. We discussed how Russian journalists should write about Africa and African journalists about Russia. We talked about the problems of employing Africans in our country. And, using concrete examples, we tried to work out how to learn Russian in Africa…