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Western Way of War in Never Ending War—OR: “The Failure of the Western Way of Helping!”

The first thing to keep in mind when watching the news, or trying to keep up with the corporate media weekly brainwashing agenda, is “Western weapons are not designed to be effective, they are designed to be expensive,” and once you make this paradigm shift, it all starts making perfect sense. It seems like it takes a lifetime to learn by one’s mistakes, at least I hope so for Henry Kissinger, and for lost souls to make better decisions as our time is limited. Often I think of the fictional “Wizard Merlin” who is the sorcerer that lived his life from the future to the past…

Seth Ferris

Joe Biden, Scare Tactics: What Comes Next? The OPEN Question over Ukraine!

It is bad enough that Joe Biden is intentionally lying and trying to use scare tactics over Ukraine, and pleading that if Congress does not provide billions more in military financing that it will result in American troops having to face off with the Russians in Ukraine and Eastern Europe? Biden recently said that if Putin defeats Ukraine, “it won’t stop there,” and Moscow would invade neighboring NATO countries which the U.S. is legally bound to defend.” If NATO is attacked,” Biden said, “We’ll have American troops fighting Russian troops. We can’t let Putin win.”

Henry Kamens

How Washington is Internationalising Conflict in the Red Sea

Following the declaration of Yemen’s Houthis that they will attack any (cargo) ships travelling to Israel, the Red Sea region has become the latest flash point of yet another military conflict following the ones that are ongoing in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. In fact, Houthi attacks appear to be a direct outcome of Israel’s war on Palestine. Since the group is part of what is more commonly known as the “axis of resistance” against Israel and the US, most analysts in the mainstream Western media seem to simply associate the Houthi action with their bid to support Hamas against Israel…

Salman Rafi Sheikh