Archives Middle East - Page 19 of 20 - New Eastern Outlook
12.12.2019 Viktor Mikhin

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy,” said the mastermind of Western ideology back in the day, Sir Winston...

25.11.2019 Valery Kulikov

The defining feature of today’s geopolitical reality is the reorganization of global order with new alignments, new divisions and new forces replacing former norms. At the turn of the century, the situation on the international stage became shaky and unstable, with massive shifts occurrying in the structure...

30.09.2019 Valery Kulikov

Since September 20, Egypt’s government has been facing a new challenge in the form of massive anti-government demonstrations demanding the resignation of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi both in the capital, and in such cities as Alexandria, Suez, El Mansour, and Helwan. So far, there’s been two major waves of protests, but additional waves seem to be just...

31.08.2019 Viktor Mikhin

Donald Trump’s administration has, through its diplomacy, achieved a “resounding success” in the Persian Gulf. Bahrain, a small emirate with a tiny population which US diplomats could scarcely even find on the map, even after repeated attempts, has, under US pressure...

11.08.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh

US president Donald Trump has managed to fulfill many of his election campaign promises – scrapping the TPP deal, as well as the Paris climate agreement, along with the Iran nuke-deal, ending the Afghan war, and building a wall on the US-Mexico border. Even though we may disagree with his promises and some of them are extremely…

26.07.2019 Viktor Mikhin

While occasionally reading the outright lies and canards poured by the Western mass media on the common reader, one cannot help wondering what kind of dementia one must possess in order to renounce their conscience or professional journalist's duty just to make an extra buck. There are many examples of this phenomenon. The other day...

09.07.2019 Valery Kulikov

The year 2019 marked a decisive defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (referred to as Daesh in Arabic; editor’s note: an organization banned in the Russian Federation, which established a quasi-state in parts of Iraq and Syria. This group included more than 100,000 fighters from 86...

22.06.2019 Viktor Mikhin

No sooner had the unfortunate incident, involving an attack on two tankers resulting in sinking of one of them, occurred in the Gulf of Oman, that American warmongers began to accuse Iran of being responsible for all of these tragic events. At first, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and then John...

14.06.2019 Viktor Mikhin

Currently in Kuwait, a small state surrounded by emerald-green waters of the Persian Gulf, there are ongoing active preparations for celebrating the 90th birthday of its Emir, Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The current energetic ruler of Kuwait, or the pearl of the Persian Gulf as the nation is sometimes called, will really turn 90...

07.06.2019 Viktor Mikhin

At present, there is a so-called B-team in the United States, which includes John R. Bolton, the National Security Advisor to the U.S. President, and a number of leaders from the Middle Eastern region, such as, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel; Mohammad Bin Salman...

01.06.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
Tensions have been rising between the US and Iran after the former introduced ‘toughest sanctions’ on Iran a few months ago to cripple the latter’s economy. In past few weeks, tensions have increased in the wake of some incidents in…
20.05.2019 Andre Vltchek

Everyone who visits this once ‘hermit Sultanate’ could easily testify: Oman is ‘different’ from the other countries of the Gulf Region. Its people are warm, talkative and proud. Despite the fact that Oman is poorer than Bahrain or Saudi Arabia, it actually feels richer, because there is...