Archives Middle East - Page 17 of 18 - New Eastern Outlook
14.06.2019 Viktor Mikhin

Currently in Kuwait, a small state surrounded by emerald-green waters of the Persian Gulf, there are ongoing active preparations for celebrating the 90th birthday of its Emir, Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The current energetic ruler of Kuwait, or the pearl of the Persian Gulf as the nation is sometimes called, will really turn 90...

07.06.2019 Viktor Mikhin

At present, there is a so-called B-team in the United States, which includes John R. Bolton, the National Security Advisor to the U.S. President, and a number of leaders from the Middle Eastern region, such as, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel; Mohammad Bin Salman...

01.06.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
Tensions have been rising between the US and Iran after the former introduced ‘toughest sanctions’ on Iran a few months ago to cripple the latter’s economy. In past few weeks, tensions have increased in the wake of some incidents in…
20.05.2019 Andre Vltchek

Everyone who visits this once ‘hermit Sultanate’ could easily testify: Oman is ‘different’ from the other countries of the Gulf Region. Its people are warm, talkative and proud. Despite the fact that Oman is poorer than Bahrain or Saudi Arabia, it actually feels richer, because there is...

01.05.2019 Viktor Mikhin

As Donald Trump's current administration continues to impose tougher illegitimate sanctions against Iran, it has now moved to the next step of attempting to completely isolate Tehran's economy and to erode its standing in the Middle East. The decision to prevent five of Iran's...

30.04.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh

444432The US strategy of “maximum pressure” on Iran aims to bankrupt the Middle Eastern country in order to cripple its ability to (successfully challenge hegemonic pursuits of its arch regional rivals: Israel and Saudi Arabia. While the strategy of imposing sanctions is not new…

18.04.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
A visible pattern of US foreign policy application in the past two decades has been direct wars/military interventions as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Importantly enough, all of these started with the US designating these countries, their rulers or…
14.04.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
On March 25, the US president, while he was enjoying his moment of triumph over the alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 elections, signed a document that recognised Israeli sovereignty over what has always been a Syrian territory. In…
05.03.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh

17085Last two weeks saw Saudi Arabi’s Mohammad bin Salman (MBS visiting Asia—Pakistan, India and China— for the first time ever. Promises of investment were made, signalling how Saudi Arabia was pushing towards expanding its economy globally. Although the visit seems to have been…

16.01.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
The US secretary of state Mike Pompeo’s visit to the Middle East has come at a time when the US politics at both domestic and international levels is facing extreme contradictions. There is a government shutdown at home, and at…
04.01.2019 Yuriy Zinin

“Trump’s Syrian bomb”. “Washington reshuffled the deck with its sudden departure”. “Trump throws a wrench in allies’ plans”. These headlines in response to Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria fill the media space in the Middle East. The outlets are boiling...

07.12.2017 Viktor Mikhin

Over 40 countries joined the Islamic Military Alliance, the creation of which was announced with fanfare by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. This military alliance will become a ‘strong signal’ to terror organisations, which in recent years maintained...