Archives Middle East - Page 18 of 20 - New Eastern Outlook
22.06.2020 Vladimir Platov

Protests, stemming from an internal crisis, have once again erupted in Lebanon. In light of worsening corruption throughout the country, prices of staple foods are rising despite the government’s attempts to stop the Lebanese pound from decreasing in value. Demonstrations are taking place in Beirut, Tripoli as well as other towns and cities. Protesters have been blocking roads with burning tires...

18.06.2020 Vladimir Platov

After becoming actively involved in conflicts in Syria and Libya, on June 14, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan launched operation Claw-Eagle in Iraq against PKK’s (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party bases in the Qandil Mountains (in northern Iraq as well as in the town of Sinjar and several other settlements.  Anadolu Agency (an international news outlet headquartered in Ankara reported that as a result...

10.06.2020 Viktor Mikhin

Since the US invasion in 2003, Iraq has experienced a number of political upheavals. And to date, the nation has been unable to recover - despite Iraq’s vast crude oil reserves, the citizens’ living standards have not returned to even their basic levels. The illegitimate presence of US occupation troops continues to contribute to a noticeable destabilization...

06.04.2020 Vladimir Odintsov

As reports focus on the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic worldwide, stories regarding the state of affairs in Libya have all but disappeared from pages of leading media outlets. But in the meantime, recent events in this country are increasingly indicative of the fact that the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA, led by Fayez...

17.02.2020 Valery Kulikov

Discord and back-and-forth criticism have noticeably intensified between Paris and Ankara recently. While, earlier, disagreements between the two countries primarily concerned the issues of Turkey joining the European Union; refugee and asylum policies; human rights abuses in Turkey, and the French recognition of Armenian genocide in the Ottoman...

25.01.2020 Viktor Mikhin

A fairly dangerous situation involving Iran has seemingly remained unchanged for some time now. Each side is waiting for its adversary to make the next move, but no one is taking any decisive actions as yet. They are, at present, equalizing their positions and evaluating pluses and minuses. In the meantime, more and more questions are arising among members...

24.01.2020 Yuriy Zinin

“Iraq caught between a rock and a hard place”, “Iraq between the hammer and the anvil” and similar headlines in Iraqi news reflect public reactions towards recent events within the nation. We are referring here to the assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al‑Muhandis, the deputy head of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces...

22.01.2020 Viktor Mikhin

In its commitment to detente in various parts of the globe, Russia is increasingly focused on the complex situation, in danger of transforming into an armed conflict, in the Persian Gulf region. It has, therefore, come up with a concept aimed at ensuring collective security. And we are not simply referring to an attempt to avoid a flare-up in the region...

05.01.2020 Veniamin Popov

There was a number of geopolitical milestones that defined 2019, as most regions of the world underwent a period of political uncertainty and instability in the last 12 months. To some extent, the turbulent events that became the trademark of the last year were nothing but a continuation of the processes that began at the beginning of 2011 known to political...

31.12.2019 Viktor Mikhin

Evidence suggests that as of recent Riyadh is intent on improving ties with Tehran and has been negotiating to this effect in secret. Citing officials in Saudi Arabia, The Wall Street Journal (an informative American newspaper has reported that the kingdom is engaged in behind-the-scenes talks with Iran with the view of protecting its energy resources...

25.12.2019 Vladimir Terehov

We have pointed out on more than on occasion in the New Eastern Outlook that one of the most distinctive features of the current stage of the Big Game of Politics has been the gradual return of both losers of World War II to it, i.e. Japan and Germany. And it is important to highlight that they are re-entering...

18.12.2019 Valery Kulikov

As more and more international actors are becoming involved in the war in Libya, the country itself is turning into a staging ground for an intense confrontation among various regional and global players. Brussels, for the most part, has taken responsibility for the issues plaguing this nation, being torn apart by a bloody conflict, as refugees streaming into Italy, Greece, France and Spain...