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Mongolia and the UN

Mongolia and the UN: a broader understanding of the “international community”

Mongolia has virtually always had to operate far from major global political and civilizational centers, both geographically and culturally. Looking for economic partners and political allies that are physically remote from Mongolia has historically been a hugely popular concept in the nation. The Mongol rulers of the “imperial period” dispatched ambassadors to distant states such as Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Pope of Rome. The early twentieth-century theocratic Mongolia likewise began…

Boris Kushhov

Erdoğan uses ‘US pressure’ as leverage...

On the eve of its 100th anniversary, the Republic of Turkey is experiencing a difficult period due to a severe economic crisis and tense relations with the United States. Inflation has broken new records and has already reached 60%, while the Turkish lira has plummeted to 27.2 per US dollar. Strategic stability has yet to be attained, no matter how much Mehmet Şimşek, Minister of Treasury and Finance, strives to follow international economic rules and bind himself…

Alexandr Svaranc

Washington’s Expanding Military Footprint on China’s Doorsteps

A series of announcements by the US reflect its large and still growing military presence across Asia-Pacific, particularly in East and Southeast Asia. Together, they reflect a continued and increasingly desperate desire by Washington to encircle and contain China. These announcements include plans for expanding the number of US air bases across the region as part of the US Air Force’s (USAF) new “Agile Combat Employment” (ACE) doctrine. It also includes plans for a “civilian port” in the Batanes islands, less than 200 km from the Chinese island province of Taiwan. Then there were recently announced plans by the US Department of Defense to create drone…

Brian Berletic