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Archives International politics - Page 53 of 74 - New Eastern Outlook

Information colonialism of a particular type in South Africa

Africa has become the main arena of both colonialism and neo-colonialism. Most countries on the continent experienced a ‘traditional’ form of colonialism. However, the Republic of South Africa had a significantly different history of colonialism. It is not by chance that it is labelled as colonialism of a special type. Whereas in most states on the continent, colonialism was imposed by European states from the outside, in South Africa the colonialists lived in the territory they occupied permanently…

Alexander Mezyaev

Pax Americana and a World at War

At the end of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama declared the “end of history.” The triumph of Capitalism over Communism was the victory of Good over Evil, and the establishment of the new world order under a Pax Americana was inevitable. We all – including Fukuyama himself – now know that history had much to say about its survival. 9/11, the War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rise of China as a global economic and military power and now a war on the European mainland have put any such ideas to rest…

Taut Bataut

Australia between the US and the PRC

The two foreign visits that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese made this year, one week apart, between late October and early November, should be analyzed in light of the state of the Great World Game at the moment. From this vantage point, they comprise a truly amazing, twofold interconnected enterprise.  To begin with, because the visiting countries were its two primary participants, namely the United States (October 23-26) and the People’s Republic of China (November 4–7), the complicated set of interactions between them is currently at the center of the game table…

Vladimir Terehov