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On recent developments in the Maldives, Bangladesh and Myanmar

The remarkable recent developments in the above-mentioned countries are interesting because they characterise the development of the situation in the vast Indian Ocean region. This region, however, has been included for almost two decades in the more general political and geographical category of the Indo-Pacific. The struggle between the world’s leading players for control of the situation in the Indian Ocean region as a whole, but mainly over the largest trade route passing through it, has been manifesting itself in recent years…

Vladimir Terehov

Development of Russian-Turkish economic cooperation against the backdrop of US counteraction

The Republic of Türkiye is currently at a political crossroads. Throughout the post-war period, Turkey has sought to integrate into Euro-Atlantic structures. However, it has also developed very strong relations with Russia and Iran over the past decades. The Russian special military operation against the Kiev regime has significantly complicated Turkey’s foreign policy maneuvering and divided public opinion. The tension was evident during the Turkish presidential campaign, as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won with only 52% of the vote, even after the second round. Turkey’s current situation necessitates caution…

Nazar Kurbanov

Unequal Relationship between the US and its allies in Southeast Asia and Indo-Pacific

The contemporary world is rife with strategic competition and wars between the global south and the global north. The United States is at the center of all these wars and competition. The most significant and threatening competition in the world is between the United States and China. Both countries are engaged in strengthening their power by gathering allies around the world. Taiwan’s issue is considered the boiling point between Sino-US relations. This issue holds the potential to commence a war between China and the United States…

Abbas Hashemite