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Archives International politics - Page 27 of 74 - New Eastern Outlook

As Ramadan ends, what is next for Gaza’s Palestinians?

The unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe faced by the civilian Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip may be about to shape new political realities, but it is unlikely to keep Rafah, on the border with Egypt, safe from an Israeli offensive. There will be a new massacre and new victims, primarily the elderly, women and children. And the rest of the world, because of the West’s policies, will stand idly by, unable to take decisive action to stop these crimes.

Viktor Mikhin

2009 US Policy Paper Planned Current Israeli-Iranian Tensions

Since October 7, 2023 it would appear a spontaneous chain of events is leading the Middle East deeper and deeper into conflict. From Israel’s ongoing military operations in Gaza to its strikes on Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and repeated strikes across Syria (including the recent strike on Iran’s embassy in Damascus)…

Brian Berletic

The deepening gap between the West and the Global South

We are currently witnessing a reformatting of the entire system of international relations – the most striking features of this process are the weakening of the influence of the Western powers and the strengthening of the positions of those states that used to be called developing countries. Some call this phenomenon the emergence of a truly multipolar world…

Veniamin Popov