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Wikileaks Reveals Alexei Navalny's US Funding as Washington Exploits His Death

News of the death of Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison very quickly spread across the Western media, while condemnation of Russia over his death emanated from behind the podiums of Western leaders. Before any investigation could possibly be mounted, the collective West concluded that the Russian state was responsible for Navalny’s death. The disproportionate concern US President Joe Biden showed for a Russian citizen dying in a Russian prison versus President Biden’s silence over the death of American citizen Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison, raises questions over the motivation behind this…

Brian Berletic

Will Tucker Carlson be killed after his recent Putin interview?

You be the judge. It is becoming clear that community standards do not apply to Facebook/Meta (is banned in Russia), MSM or whatever they call it, and many other internet sites, especially if the posts are in support of Ukraine or Poland. They are, in fact, instrumental in directing and misdirecting public discourse over Ukraine and the agenda of the [alleged] New World Order and its less than “honorable intentions”.

Henry Kamens

Putin, Carlson, and Elvis: Immortals of Mainstream Publicity

Several days ago, former Fox anchor Tucker Carlson sat down for a lengthy interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the week preceding this unique Q&A, CNN and other Western media focused (inadvertently) on transforming Carlson into a living legend. That is to say, by using the same methods that helped make Vladimir Putin into a modern superhero. By constantly haranguing and mudslinging against Putin and Russia as a whole, the elite-run Western hierarchy was instrumental in creating a mystique and a celebrity of unparalleled influence…

Phil Butler