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Archives Historical Memory - Page 4 of 5 - New Eastern Outlook

Development of Transport Corridors in Africa: Perspectives of the Trans-African Motorways

Transport corridors remain a major obstacle to the dynamic and integrated economic development of individual States and entire regional communities on the African continent, as the quality and quantity of roads and railways do not fully meet existing needs. Some of the factors contributing to the low level of transport infrastructure development in Africa compared to the global average include…

Ivan Kopytsev

The West’s Historical Fraud Is No Longer Accepted

Long-promoted Western ideas and theses are now openly rejected by the world majority. To the West’s dismay, Western countries today openly acknowledge these facts, raising fears among the leaders and their associates within the Western world minority. Many pseudo-experts and so-called Western “intellectuals” associated with the pro-NATO establishment are beginning to openly talk about ongoing processes…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The Fall of the West

A number of prominent voices, now including those in the West, are beginning to openly say that not only has the time of Western minority dominance over world affairs come to an end, but that the Western system as a whole is collapsing, with all its consequences. All this confirms the thesis that the future system of international relations implies not only the final establishment of a multipolar world order, but also a post-Western international order. Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French historian, sociologist, social anthropologist, writer and journalist, who once predicted the collapse of the USSR in 1976…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov