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Archives Geopolitics - Page 58 of 60 - New Eastern Outlook

Saudi Arabia’s Role in Strengthening Greater Israel

Amid Trump’s comments regarding the fact that after the presidential election he wants to hold a ceremony of signing a peace agreement between Israel and the Saudi Arabia, with King Salman and his son present there, Yori Cohen, the head of Mossad, has already stated that “normalization of relations with Israel will be a gift from Riyadh to the new US president – regardless...

Valery Kulikov

Fighting in Libya: the External Factor

“Conflicts in NATO bleed into Libya”, “Washington with Ankara in Libya to spite their regional allies”, “NATO back to the Libyan dossier”. These are some of the headlines in Arab media, commenting on the role of external factors in recent events in Libya. This is constantly on the front page whenever armed conflicts arise between to reigning camps in the country. This is the Government...

Yuriy Zinin

Situation in India in Light of SARS-COV-2 Spread

As discussions about the collapse of the old world order and the inevitable establishment of a new one (which remains unclear, and the key aftereffects of the pandemic continue, the same maneuvers, which had begun long before the global Coronavirus threat emerged, are still being made on the international political landscape. And this is evidenced by the latest...

Vladimir Terehov