Archives France - Page 4 of 5 - New Eastern Outlook
09.10.2023 Fernando Gaillardo

France began withdrawing its military contingent from another African country – Niger, which it traditionally considered one of its completely controlled “departments”. Previously, the French were asked from Mali and Burkina Faso. Without exaggeration, the departure of one and a half thousand French troops from Niger can be called significant. Here it is enough to mention only two factors that are significant for Paris: the important geopolitical position of Niger in terms of control over the strategically important Sahara-Sahel zone, and also the fact that Niger…

02.10.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The chain of events in a number of African countries over the past few months and years, most recently in Niger, is a completely organic and natural process. This process is only a consequence of the policy that France and a number of other Western regimes have been pursuing on the African continent for decades. No matter how the West tries to look for the culprits for its failures among its main geopolitical rivals, the responsibility for its failures lies entirely with its own elites. The outcome was expected – after the confrontation between Paris and the new…

02.10.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Niger’s new interim government has rightly accused France of sending its troops and “a large amount of military equipment” to the region in preparation for a possible invasion to overthrow leaders that toppled the previous president, who was a puppet of Paris. Officers in Niger’s military claim that troops from the French Armed Forces have been deployed in several West African countries in preparation for a military attack on Niger’s new leadership, to be mounted in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Colonel Amadou Abdramane, spokesman for the Nigerien coup leaders and its new interim government, made the above claims in an announcement on national television…

18.09.2023 Seth Ferris

The US is shifting to Africa, walking away from one car pileup after another! It is ironic, too, especially now that it is helping the French. It is equally sad to witness to what lengths and the “stretch-of-the-imagination” that the US government will go to in deploying troops to faraway places. Most of these young men and women, at least those from America, would not even know where to start looking to find such remote and unheard of spots on a map, especially now with a long list of countries in Africa that is now in the crosshairs of US and French hegemonic interests—and that is for starters!

13.09.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The recent military coup in Gabon – the latest example of a domino effect in which neo-colonial regimes have collapsed one after another in Africa – has resulted in yet another headache for France. As media around the world have noted, in yet another serious blow to French interests, Gabon’s President Ali Bongo was deposed by a military junta shortly after he was declared the winner of the general election, despite the fact that the vote was widely condemned within the country as being fraudulent, fixed, and not representing the will of the people. Readers will remember that in the past three years, military officers have overthrown the presidents of Burkina Faso…

25.08.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Much of the world has been following developments in Niger with great concern since the coup d’état took place in the West African country on July 26. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry, for example, which has been closely following these developments, in an official statement emphasized its country’s desire to maintain Niger’s security and stability, as well as the state’s constitutional and democratic system. “Egypt stresses its full solidarity with the Nigerien people and calls on all parties in Niger to prioritize the higher interests of the nation and preserve the safety of its citizens,” read the statement…

22.08.2023 Phil Butler

Emmanuel Macron’s government has made the French nation irrelevant on the world stage. Day by day, horrendous internal and external policies transform a once irreplaceable nation and culture into nothing more than a tourist attraction and playground for elites. Early this morning, I saw a share on Facebook of the French ironclad Redoutable in dry dock. The photo from 1875 showed the sleek outline of the first warship in the world to be built in steel. The French created so many world-changing innovations in her history. Most people don’t know that cinema, as we know it, would not exist had Louis Le Prince…

08.08.2023 Christopher Black

On September 2018 French President Macron admitted that France had committed war crimes in the Algerian War for Independence that lasted from 1954 to 1962. He acknowledged, as just a single example, the torture of FLN member, Maurice Audin, a communist, who, after being tortured was executed by French military forces, at the age of 25.  Married with three children, he, like many others, disappeared during the Battle of Algiers. A few months earlier, as a presidential candidate, Macron described colonialism as a crime against humanity, but not much later ruled out any chance of reparations…

04.06.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov

Against the backdrop of failed attempts to draw Asian countries into its orbit, Washington decided to enlist the support of old European friends. The French Navy frigate Prairial paid a courtesy visit to Japan from April 20 to April 27. The ship took part in a joint drill to repress unlawful activity at sea before taking the place of honor in the self-defense fleet, headquartered at Yokosuka. The entry was a kind of announcement of a number of other more substantial joint military maneuvers. Rear Admiral Geoffroy d’Andigné, who oversees the campaign, enthusiastically…

30.05.2023 Boris Kushhov
Macron in Mongolia - valuable metal and a “one-man theater”?

On May 21, 2023, the first official visit of the President of France to Mongolia in the almost sixty-year history of relations between the two countries took place. The visit was accompanied by a number of “rituals of respect” – in particular, a solemn ceremony in the main square of Ulaanbaatar, as well as a trip by the French leader to the Genghis Khan Museum. At the end of the visit, a joint declaration was presented and the desire of the countries to achieve the level of “comprehensive strategic partnership” in bilateral relations was expressed…

05.05.2023 Christopher Black

The Chinese ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, in a long and wide-ranging interview with a journalist on the French television news channel LCI, about world and Chinese affairs, stated, in response to a question as to whether or not Crimea was a part of Ukraine, that ‘it depended on how one looks at the history of the situation,” and that Crimea was Russian for a long time and only given to Ukraine during the Soviet era.” He then added: “Even these ex-Soviet countries don’t have an effective status in international law because there was no international agreement to materialize their status as sovereign countries.” Both these statements caused an angry reaction…

18.03.2023 Vladimir Platov
Britain and France

Although, unlike the last war of 1812 with France, Russia and Britain were never openly at war with each other, the scale of the geopolitical confrontation between these two European states and Moscow has long existed and is constantly growing. Especially against the background of the current leaders of these two countries’…