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In connection with the inclusion of New Eastern Outlook in the EU’s 11th sanctions package, we sincerely appreciate the free and effective promotion of our journal. For many years New Eastern Outlook has been an open forum for experts from different countries to express their views on a wide range of political, economic and social issues. We have honestly and consistently reported on the neo-colonial policies of the EU and the United States in various regions of the world, and we consider the sanctions policy against us to be our highest commendation…

Journal NEO
Mosaic Nature of Chinese-European Relations

Mosaic Nature of Chinese-European Relations

Relations between People’s Republic of China and Europe resemble a complex mosaic, mainly due to significant presence of the sum of factors defined by the elastic term “politics.” The first of such important factors is the continuing prevailing influence of the United States on everything happening on the continent. All that despite the obvious shift of the Washington’s main interests towards the Indo-Pacific region, it plays its own game with Beijing, which is not always identical with European. But it is difficult to talk even about the European game with any degree of certainty due to obscurity of the very notion of “Europe” in and of itself…

Vladimir Terehov
Turkish Stand towards Prospects of Sweden Joining NATO

Turkish Stand towards Prospects of Sweden Joining NATO

During the presidential election campaign, Erdoğan’s main rival, the leader of the opposition People’s Alliance block Kılıçdaroğlu, stated in his anti-Russian rhetoric that in case of his victory he would remind the Russians about Turkey’s membership in NATO. However, nobody in Moscow has forgotten that Turkey, either with Erdoğan or without him still (since February 1952) remains a member to the North Atlantic Treaty. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu failed to provide a well-reasoned explanation for his reminders, and now, after his defeat, he and all other leaders of the Republican People’s Party have resigned in connection to their failure…

Alexandr Svaranc