Archives Biden - Page 2 of 3 - New Eastern Outlook
21.02.2024 Veniamin Popov

Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza has been going on for five months. The majority condemned the actions of the Israeli authorities, as evidenced by the UNGA resolution of December 2023, according to which 153 countries were in favour of a ceasefire, as well as the decision of the International Criminal Court, which in fact considered these actions as genocide. To date, this terrible war has caused the death of 100 thousand people, more than one third of the houses have been destroyed, almost 1.5 million people are on the verge of starvation – all this causes outrage of the world community…

03.02.2024 Vladimir Mashin

This crisis is linked to the migration policy of the United States. Many migrants cross the border with Mexico. In November alone, there were about 250,000 attempts to cross the southern border. Most new arrivals will ask for asylum and be released into America, only to wait years (up to 5-6 years) for a decision on their claims. More than 3.1 million people have crossed the border since Biden became president. At least 1.7 million have arrived undetected or overstayed their visas. The state of Texas is particularly affected by the influx of illegal migrants. It occupies a special place in the USA…

01.02.2024 Fernando Gaillardo

This is especially notable when combined with the rise to power in Taiwan of staunch separatist Lai Ching-te, who has taken a hardline stance on the island’s independence from the PRC. While the world is anxiously following the intricacies of the US election race, US political scientists and international relations experts predict that any outcome of the campaign does not bode well for China, the world’s second largest economy and the Americans’ main rival. Anti-China sentiments are so deeply rooted and spread throughout the political establishment of the United States…

19.01.2024 Vladimir Mashin

In a few days, primaries, which are preliminary party conferences to nominate candidates for the US presidency, will begin in the USA. The election itself will take place on November 5 of this year. In addition to determining the head of state, voters will express their opinions on the members of the House of Representatives, which consists of 435 members, and one-third of the Senate, which has 100 members. The election campaign is currently underway, marked by candidates making sharp and harsh criticisms and outright attacks on each other…

23.11.2023 Christopher Black

On Monday 20 November, as the liberation of Adveeka draws closer with every day and the Russian forces continue to push the Kiev forces out of the Donbass and inflict heavy losses in men and material on their forces all along the front, and as funding for Ukraine dries up and the Kiev regime sits on a sharp blade, impaled by their own delusions and corruption, the US Secretary of Defence, Loyd Austin, made a quick trip to Kiev…

20.11.2023 Vladimir Mashin

The American media, including the Democratic-leaning media, acknowledges that President Biden has acted too quickly to back Israel without reservation, has not done enough to uphold Palestinian rights, and has essentially put the US in a position where it can no longer be held accountable for what Israel does next. Netanyahu persists despite Washington’s vocal opposition to Israel’s recent takeover of the Gaza Strip. President Biden urged Israel to defend the main hospital in Gaza on November 13. During a White House ceremony, Biden stated that talks were still ongoing with the Israelis…

03.11.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov

US President Joe Biden has criticized Beijing over the Taiwan issue shortly before a visit to Washington by the Chinese foreign minister. The directness of the accusations which the US leader hurls at China, while continuing to express confidence in a restoration of constructive dialog with Beijing, never ceases to amaze. Another pearl among Joe Biden’s recent high-profile statements can be found in the joint written statement issued on October 26, following the bilateral talks between himself and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese concluded the previous day in the US capital…

07.10.2023 Henry Kamens

Does the US need to learn from the USSR, what can happen when top leaders get too old to govern? Age and experienced leadership are not identical concepts, especially when it comes to the American political leadership.  The question that more and more Americans are asking these days is “Why do politicians want to hang on so long, when they are in obvious mental and physical decline, and why they don’t want to turn the reins over to a newer generation?”…

17.08.2023 Vladimir Terehov

The use of the word “mosaic” in the comprehensive description of Sino-European interactions precludes an illustrative and simplistic (“explained via hand gestures”) interpretation. The phrase “remains complex” indicates that there is no current effort toward “simplification” of this statement. All of the aforementioned factors, which frequently contradict one another, remain in Europeans’ dealings with the Second World Power. These factors were validated in a number of subsequent events, which it makes…

16.08.2023 Seth Ferris

Regarding Biden’s apparent slide into dementia, I have a real concern that it is quite deliberate, and I am alone in what have suspected for a long time. As, if it was for real, his acute signs of mental decline, would result in that his party would be most concerned, even to a greater degree than the opposition. Mental and physical health is paramount to anyone being able to serve those who elected them to public office. If true that Biden is not up for the job, The DNC (Democratic National Committee) would be looking for…

30.05.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov

The scandal concerning the US Congress investigation into President Joe Biden and his family’s “influence peddling” has reached new heights. Just a few months ago, at the beginning of February 2023, in his State of the Union Address, Joe Biden described China as his country’s main opponent, adding that if Beijing threatened US sovereignty then the administration would act to defend America. And now, on May 10, James Comer, Republican Representative from Kentucky and Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has revealed sensational details of the investigation into…

15.12.2022 Salman Rafi Sheikh

This is not how you treat allies’ was, as various media reports in the US and Europe show, the message that the French leader gave to the US President Joe Biden during the former’s recent visit to the US. The message is a continuation of the logic i.e., Europe’s growing discomfort with US geopolitics, that underpinned the German Chancellor’s recent visit to China, which he undertook...