Archives African Woes - New Eastern Outlook
24.08.2024 Viktor Goncharov

The issue of reducing the French military presence in Africa has been on Paris’ the agenda for many years. When taking up their duties, all of the recent French presidents – without exception – gave a kind of oath that they would address this issue and build relations with African partners on an equal and fair basis. 

20.08.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Summing up the French failures in Africa, and particularly in Mali, the US The National Interest concluded that «the era of French diplomatic dominance on the continent, which lasted for more than 100 years, has come to an end, and Paris’ claims of being one of the leading geopolitical players and a privileged partner of African countries have been seriously undermined».

17.08.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Recently in world media covering Africa a lot of information has surfaced about French President Emmanuel Macron’s intentions to reformat Paris’ Africa policy to offset the negative consequences of its numerous failures. This was caused by an unprecedented increase in anti-French sentiment in the francophone countries of the continent and a continuous series of coups that swept the «backyard» of the former metropolis.

01.08.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Far from the discourse of presenting itself as a neutral state, colonial history reveals the active participation of Luxembourg in the colonisation of Africa. This article exposes the particularity of Luxembourg’s little-known participation in the colonisation of the Congo. Contrary to popular belief, the Grand Duchy – although it did not directly establish colonies – established close ties with Belgium and was actively involved in the Belgian Congo.

30.07.2024 Ivan Kopytsev

Against the background of the intensification of Ethiopian foreign policy, which has highlighted the issue of obtaining direct access to the sea, the unrecognised state of Somaliland, which had previously remained on the periphery of geopolitics, suddenly found itself in the centre of the unfolding confrontation…

25.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Kenya’s antigovernment protests continues into the second month and are similar to Ghana’s in 2022, as both started from over taxation and worsening living standard, problems absent in South East Asia (e.g. Vietnam), which was also colonized. Kenya, Ghana, and Zambia have attempted development for 6 decades but lag behind Vietnam, which started developing under 4 decades ago. Clearly, Kenya and African countries need to change their development model from the World Bank/IMF’s neoliberal Ponzi for enriching western corporations.

22.07.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Ethiopian authorities are looking for a way to break through the established geographical blockade. The ambitious Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, took up this task. Experts say that Ethiopia’s determination to have its own port facilities in the Red Sea is leading to increased tensions in the strategically important Horn of Africa region.

15.07.2024 Viktor Goncharov

Today, while the US government and political think-tanks are looking for ways to solve the trilemma posed by its African policy, namely, which of its three goals (the development of democracy, the fight against terrorism and its competition with other world powers, primarily China) to prioritize, terrorism is spreading like a cancer to the coastal countries on the Gulf of Guinea.

04.07.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

In the study of international relations, the annals of the history of Franco-African relations are fraught with dark memories that define the future of Franco-African cooperation. After the abolition and dismantling of colonialism, the colonial empires of England and France each maliciously designed a system for perpetuating colonial domination in Africa: Françafrique and the Commonwealth of Nations.

03.07.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing entitled “Conflict and Humanitarian Emergency in Sudan: A Call to Action,” which was attended by U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan Tom Perriello. He began his remarks with a pharisaical expression of regret for the catastrophic situation in Sudan, warning of famine, ongoing ethnic and regional fighting, and the potential collapse of a nation of 50 million people…

30.06.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Africa’s misfortune is to have encountered the West on its path. This article paints a dark picture of past and present of relations between Africa and the West – relations that jeopardise the future of the continent. The phrase “the West brings bad luck to Africa” is both an expression of popular revolt and a pointed statement that reflects a range of historical, political and economic perspectives…

23.06.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov
A Burkina Faso soldier

In the contemporary global confrontation between the planetary minority represented by Western regimes and their puppets – representing the bloc of those nostalgic for the bygone unipolar order, on the one hand, and the non-Western global majority – the multipolar world – on the other hand, several orientations are found there. Of course – the psychological war waged by the Western minority against a number of African states and in particular those belonging to the Alliance of Sahel States – is an integral part of this confrontation…