Archives Afghanistan - Page 2 of 3 - New Eastern Outlook
01.03.2024 Taut Bataut

The United States emerged as the sole superpower of the world after the end of the Cold War. Contrary to its promise of an inclusive and peaceful world order, the US emerged as the key source of wars, conflicts, and instability around the world in this unipolar world. The United States’ unilateral decisions to wage wars on different countries, especially Iraq, and its involvement in spurring chaos in the Middle East deteriorated its image around the globe…

26.02.2024 Abbas Hashemite

The United Nations convened a conference of special envoys for Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar on 18-19th February 2024. The conference was headed by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres. International envoys belonging to different nations around the world attended this conference. However, the Taliban*, who are the key stakeholders in Afghanistan, did not join the conference. The conference was convened to comply with the recommendations of Feridun Sinirlioglu, Special Coordinator of the United Nations in Afghanistan…

25.02.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

After a two-year respite, Washington seems to be coming ‘back’ to Afghanistan to primarily sabotage China’s inroads. In the second week of February, China received Afghanistan’s ambassador to China, signalling Beijing’s willingness to recognise the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. In late 2023, China also became the first country to appoint an ambassador to Afghanistan. These developments come against the backdrop of the success of the Taliban in ensuring that anti-China terror groups, i.e., the Islamic State – Khorasan (IS-K) and…

28.12.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf

The Pakistani leadership’s decision to deport hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan has revealed the United States’ disdain for those it called partners more than two years ago. On October 3, Pakistani authorities announced their decision to sent Afghan refugees home, including those who immigrated here in the 1980s, lived in the country for some decades of their lives and have already integrated into Pakistani life with nothing in Afghanistan. October 31 was set as the deadline for voluntary departure from Pakistan. Those who do not leave the country…

22.12.2023 Dmitry Sinelnikov

In the period from November 27 to 28, 2023, the 11th meeting of the Herat Security Dialogue was held in the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe. The event was organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS), which was relocated to the UK after the Taliban came to power in 2021. It is worth noting that Tajikistan has become the venue for the international conference on Afghan issues for the second year in a row. The event was attended by more than 150 people, including foreign experts, former politicians, representatives of international organizations…

18.12.2023 Taut Bataut

A few months back, Pakistan’s caretaker government ordered all undocumented immigrants, with a primary focus on the estimated 1.7 million Afghan nationals, to leave the country voluntarily by November 1, 2023, or face deportation. This decision sparked international attention due to its potential humanitarian and bilateral consequences. The UNHCR reports that nearly four million Afghan refugees reside in Pakistan, and approximately 700,000 arrived after the Taliban’s return to power. Of these, 1.7 million are deemed to be in Pakistan illegally, living with minimal legal protection…

13.12.2023 Abbas Hashemite

The ever-evolving world structure is, currently, seeing transformation from a unipolar to a multipolar world order. This transformation is caused by numerous factors which range from the failure of the UN to the military interventions and the unilateral decisions of the US in different global issues. Since the end of World War 2, the US has been responsible for almost 81 percent of global wars. Moreover, it has been the sole superpower of the world since the culmination of the Cold War. The United States has invaded several countries around the world in quest of its strategic and…

12.11.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Recently, the Pakistan government ordered non-registered migrants and refugees to leave the country voluntarily before 1st November. After the deadline, the Law Enforcement Agencies are forcefully expelling the illegal migrants from Pakistan. Afghani refugees are the most affected by this move, as Pakistan is home to almost 1.7 million Afghan refugees. Government officials hold that this policy will be executed in phases. Many analysts inside and outside the country are opposing this move by the government, considering it a violation of International Law…

27.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Historically, the United States has launched several wars under numerous pretenses, ranging from anti-terrorism to human rights and democracy. The United States’ victory in the Cold War made it the sole policeman of the world. This power helped the US to impose wars on different countries. These wars inflicted chaos and turmoil in the host countries. The United States possesses a history of interfering in the internal affairs of a score of countries around the world, especially the poor nations…

26.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

It is an accepted fact that when a major world power gets involved in a foreign conflict, it will always find local sympathizers – we could call them helpers or even collaborators – who, whether motivated by ideology or forced to do so by circumstances – support external intervention in the fate of their country. However, there is no guarantee that the world power that embarks on a war will be successful, either militarily or politically. Throughout history…

27.08.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Afghanistan continues to be an area of instability in Asia, with multiple internal and external political conflicts, both ongoing and potential, no socioeconomic stability to speak of, and new waves of irrational migration being created as we speak. The obsession with starting wars has returned to a nation where generations have been educated in a warlike attitude and where there are no work conditions. Furthermore, in order to create controlled disorder in the Asian stage, various centers of power frequently start such a crisis from the outside…

31.07.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov

The West is seeking to radicalize and break up the Taliban. It is now two years since the USA withdrew its troops from Afghanistan. In August 2021 the world looked on as the 20-year US campaign ground to an end. What has changed since the US exit from the country? As for the Americans themselves, their attitude to Afghanistan has changed somewhat in the past two years. If, previously, the average U.S. citizen was strongly opposed to the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which was seen as a diplomatic retreat and a blow to America’s reputation, the opposite is now true. Even in Congress, the prevailing view is that ending the Afghan campaign saved Washington…