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16.09.2014 Janet Phelan

2432442Recently published reports of the failure of Israel’s much touted Iron Dome missile defense system highlight the peculiarly self-destructive relationship between Israel and the United States. The reports questioning the success rate of the Iron Dome were issued…

15.09.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Since 2011, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA has waged a relentless war within Syrian territory against what it has said from the very beginning was an invasion of heavily armed, foreign-backed sectarian extremists. In retrospect, the transparently ludicrous nature...

15.09.2014 Jim Dean

All is semi-quiet on the Ukraine front. Despite the OSCE spokesman who said on the first day that he did not think that the ceasefire could last, another OSCE guy with a fully working brain said there was a night and day difference from a week ago. That...

15.09.2014 Yuriy Zinin

Since the beginning of their occupation of Mosul the islamists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL have demolished dozens of mosques and mausoleums dating back to the 11-13 centuries. Those facts were announced at a recent Pan Arab seminar in Jordan...

14.09.2014 Seth Ferris

Some international relations pundits working for the so called mainstream press continue to suggest that Russia is doing exactly what it did in Georgia in 2008 with Ukraine. The same press was backing down from the Russian invasion headlines in light of facts...

14.09.2014 Matthew Crosston

While most international organizations and foreign states have made attempts to explicitly fuse drones and targeted killing to already established norms, ethics, and rules of war, the United States has focused more on drones being something of a semi-covert...

14.09.2014 Viktoria Panfilova

Uzbek President Islam Karimov is dead-set on smashing any stirrings of revolution and protecting the country from both foreign and domestic enemies. In his speech marking the country’s 23rd anniversary of independence, the President drew particular attention to the prevention...

13.09.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Is the discourse of “war on terror” now being supplemented by “war for Profits?” Obviously, we would not find any US or Western official describing the war scene in Afghanistan as something now exclusively geared towards ensuring greater control over the country’s...

13.09.2014 Konstantin Penzev

On September 1, President Vladimir Putin launched the construction of the eastern section of the Russian gas transmission system (GTS connecting the West Siberian GTS with the Sakhalin branch. Thus, after 2018 almost all of the economically important territory...

13.09.2014 Steven MacMillan

At the beginning of this week Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced the intention of the Israeli state to further expand Israeli settlements in the West Bank in an attempt to annex an additional 400 hectares...

12.09.2014 Konrad Stachnio

The next volunteers who want to fight with the 'Global oligarchy' came to Donbas. This time they are French. People from Serbia, Spain, Germany, France, Polish, Israel, the United Kingdom and Greece already fought with Kiev junta...

12.09.2014 Caleb Maupin

The Mcdonald’s corporation has over 35,000 restaurants in 118 countries around the world. It is owned by the wealthy Kroc family, who make billions of dollars each year from their fast food empire.  Across the United States, low wage fast food...