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29.07.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

The situation surrounding the crashed Malaysian Airlines Boeing has recalled for many the events of September 1st 1983, when a Soviet aircraft shot down a civilian South Korean plane, also a Boeing. In the afternoon of September 1st, flight 007, following the New York...

28.07.2014 Janet Phelan

The recent announcement by the WHO that it was postponing a decisión on destroying the remaining smallpox depositories—one allegedly in Russia at VECTOR and the other in the United States at the CDC—may not have been prompted by what the press has termed a difference...

28.07.2014 Natalia Rogozhina

China has built the largest number of dams in the world, but the implementation of its plans for hydropower development of the transboundary Mekong River has become a matter of concern for the neighboring countries of Indochina, whose economic and...

28.07.2014 Natalya Zamarayeva

The Pakistani media started buzzing about foreign militants at the beginning of June 2014 after the terrorist attack on the Karachi Airport. One theory proposed by the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the foreign militants were involved...

27.07.2014 Tony Cartalucci

RT's article, "90% of aircraft destroyed at Tripoli airport, Libya may seek international assistance," reported that: Libya is considering a deployment of international force to re-establish security amid a flare-up of violence in Tripoli which saw dozens of rockets destroy most...

27.07.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Nowhere do geo-political upheavals take place so surprisingly as in the Middle East, and nowhere do ‘enemies’ become ‘friends’ overnight and vice versa. No wonder, the Middle East is the most volatile region in the world not only in terms of the deeply immersed conflicts but...

26.07.2014 Eric Draitser

The downing of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 (MH17 is a tragedy that will be remembered for years to come. However, the way in which the West has distorted the facts about what happened is no mere accident. Rather, it is a clear attempt by Washington and its allies and...

26.07.2014 Henry Kamens

The death of former Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze, which was announced on 7th July, will have a profound effect on Georgia’s political culture. He hadn’t been in power for a long time, but as long as he remained a living embodiment of...

25.07.2014 Ulson Gunnar

Acrimony and elation erupted on opposing sides of a growing geopolitical rift in the Pacific following Japan's decision to sidestep its constitution and seek a more aggressive global posture. AP reported that, "Japan's Cabinet on Tuesday approved a reinterpretation...

25.07.2014 Stanislav Ivanov

On July 3 the President of Iraqi Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani proposed the local parliament to hold a referendum on the separation of the Region from Iraq. A vast majority of deputies must support this motion since it coincides with the Kurdish national idea of...

25.07.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

Similar headlines described reactions to the May issue of the Japanese magazine The Diplomat which contained an article with what seemed like devastating information – 53% of the South Korean population is anti-Semitic! This is shown...

24.07.2014 Caleb Maupin

The US news media is buzzing about the Malayasian airline which was downed from the sky in Ukraine. Some questions are being raised. Some are asking “Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers not stop the flight from passing through...