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23.09.2014 F. William Engdahl

The Kiev government of President Petro Poroshenko has suddenly agreed to, of all things, a ceasefire proposal based almost identically on a proposal unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The ceasefire, which seems to be more or less...

23.09.2014 Sofia Pale

Nowadays nobody will be surprised by the fact that all basic goods are produced in the countries of Southeast Asia and East Asia – and first of all, in China. According to data of China’s Ministry of Commerce, in 2014 the share of the country’s global...

23.09.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Wired magazine recently published an article titled, "Boom! Earth's Population Could Hit 12 Billion by 2100," which despite the typical narrative of misanthropic population control that works its way into any Western mainstream article on the topic of...

22.09.2014 Viktor Mikhin

It's a well known fact that ancient Romans while leisuring under olive trees and sipping cold wine were able to deduce offenders. Mind you that it was long before the times of Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes, let alone Nat Pinkerton...

22.09.2014 Christof Lehmann

In an interview with l'Humanité.fr, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas stressed that France had become the vanguard dog of NATO, criticizing the presidencies of Sarkozy and Hollande for selling out on French sovereignty...

22.09.2014 Alexander Clackson

Since the start of the Ukrainian crisis in November 2013, Western media and politicians have accused Russia’s in its role in the Ukrainian crisis, repeatedly claiming that Russia has acted aggressively without any provocation. Contrary...

22.09.2014 Yuri Simonyan

The inauguration of Abkhazia's new president, Raul Khajimba, will take place on 25 Sept. As the republic's fourth president, he is well aware of the people's hopes and aspirations and the challenges facing Abkhaz society: creation of a working economic model...

21.09.2014 Ulson Gunnar

As the US and Europe prepare another round of sanctions against Russia over the ongoing Ukrainian conflict, the third round of such sanctions since the conflict began shortly after the Euromaidan unrest resulted in the installation of a NATO-backed...

21.09.2014 Jim Dean

There was a big build-up to Obama’s speech on the ISIS-Dash current offensive. Because he had the courage to reverse the wasted decade of chasing the nonexistent ghost of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, I always hoped that the...

20.09.2014 Konrad Stachnio

On 21st of September, the so-called "opposition"  in Moscow and St. Petersburg is planning demonstrations that should gather 50-thousand people in the streets against (here I laughed cessation of Russian aggression in Ukraine and the Russian suppression...

20.09.2014 Matthew Crosston

Despite Hollywood romanticizing about Bonds and Bournes, one of the most prevalent forms of modern intelligence activity is also arguably the least emphasized: economic and industrial espionage. Aimed at garnering a financial and innovation...

20.09.2014 Vladimir Terehov

One of the signs pointing to Japan’s ever-evolving process of “normalisation” is its expanding areas of foreign political interests. The geography of this space is determined by the necessity to resolve two issues which are substantially interconnected...