There was a big build-up to Obama’s speech on the ISIS-Dash current offensive. Because he had the courage to reverse the wasted decade of chasing the nonexistent ghost of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, I always hoped that the lessons learned from that diplomatic train wreck would help avoid others. So far, the report card is not good.
Alas, the President seems lashed to the mast of his sinking Syria ship. The 190,000 Syrian dead so far, with wounded that no one seems to bother to count, and millions of refugees not looking forward to another winter in the camps — none of that has deterred our commander-in-chief. He seems determined to carry the slaughter through to the end of his term, where it will remain a stain on his presidency even if the Iran nuclear accords are successfully concluded.
In addition, the Bush (43) team’s legacy has been one of shame and disgrace, as every year we peel another layer into the depths of the criminal acts they engaged in “under color of law”, the legal term for such abuse. Georgie boy was the perfect puppet president, with Daddy Bush’s old team running most of the show in the background.
We recently released a series of articles on the Sandia National Labs (SNL) report in 2003 that concluded with 100% assurance that the World Trade Center buildings had been brought down with mini-nukes, the warheads having been removed from America’s mothballed stockpiles of “Davy Crockett” early tactical nukes. This report had been classified of course, to avoid the hunt for those who had really done the attack, an obstruction of justice which will be carved in stone for the history of mankind.
The first War on Terror got cranked up as if we were all under imminent threat of more attacks. And the twisted irony is we really are under threat of attack specifically because those guilty for the first one have walked away with a free pass… so far. What we got instead was elaborately constructed diversions like Bush’s tough guy speeches…”You’re either with us, or against us.”
America, once held in high esteem internationally, was now telling the world that no country had the freedom to be neutral, or even spend a little more time trying to learn who the really bad terrorists were, including state sponsored terrorists. He figuratively held a gun to the heads of world leaders in his game of “Bush roulette”.
We know that Al Qaeda had been a mainly American Intel construct, as had the radical Muslim movement itself, created by Israel and America’s CIA as an internal foil to the secular Pan Arab movement which the West felt had to be stopped or their soft power colonial days would be over. We had years to track down and interview some of those who had worked with bin Laden when he was a CIA colonel with the code name Tim Osman during the Soviet Afghan war. Veterans Today’s own Lee Wanta was Tim’s handler for a number of years, even working with him to gather the remaining Stinger missiles (but not all…despite the sizable bounties) at the end of the war.
Initially, we thought the War on Terror had morphed into the War OF Terror, as wars often do when they get dragged out. That creates more pressure to do the nasty things to “finish up the job” which in turn ends up planting the seeds for the next one with the grown up sons of the first. The light did not really begin to come on for us until the past five years…that the War OF Terror had begun even before 9-11, with years of pre-staging by the shadow government crowd.
Obama of course knows what really happened on 9-11, and he has enough staff to know about the long series of 9-11 mini-nuke articles published here on NEO and VT. So we had our fingers crossed that maybe someone would advise him that cranking up another phony War on Terror to go with the New Cold War on Russia craze might send the message that our senior level of government, military and diplomatic corps, had collectively all lost their minds.
But hopes were dashed when the Obama team took their steroid pills and ponied up to the microphones last week with their stated intent of destroying ISIS. This is a standard management tactic of creating a crisis that you imagine you have the tools to fix. They seem to be in denial that after years of watching how they operate we are tuned in to all of their smoke and mirror games when trying to hide what they are really doing
The material previously published on the full-scale terror war launched on Syria by the West could fill a small town library. The US and its partners have made a formal and strategic shift to avoid using US troops in future regime takeovers, replacing them with proxy terror forces on a scale no one ever dreamed they would do, basically right out in the open. Their denial falls on deaf ears.
But it gets much worse. We all remember Bush’s bravado speech on how the US would not only hunt down terrorists, but all those who aided and abetted in providing them “material support”. Our Justice Department actually brought criminal cases against Americans who had donated to Muslim relief charities for years not knowing that because Hamas provided a lot of social services, their being a conduit for a tiny part of such relief aid would be twisted into “providing material aid to a terrorist organization”.
This is the same Justice Department who has not brought a single case against anyone in government now or from the Bush regime, nor any of the myriad of contractors supporting the training, arming, and logistical support for our proxy terror forces, the size of which would make the Al Qaeda of the early-2000 period look like a gang of cub scouts.
I have yet to hear of our sanctions-loving, asset seizing Treasury Department bringing a single case on a person, company, or a country among our Gulf or NATO allies for supporting the terrorists murdering the Syrian people. I have not heard of a single drone strike on a bank, the house of a high government official, or a training camp say in Jordan and Turkey where many of the ISIS people were trained.
And how about those in America who constructed this axis-of-evil psyop of spending the taxpayers’ borrowed money to create this huge terror problem, just to have it trigger the need for spending more borrowed taxpayer money to fight terrorism they created. You just can’t make this stuff up. We have an old timey American saying to describe this…”The git ya, comin and a goin !”
One would think that someone in one the White House briefings would have mentioned the threat of long term damage to not only the White House, but the Pentagon, Justice Dept. and State Dept. But we all know what Victoria Nuland would tell them to do with that, from her famous telephone intercept on Ukraine.
The most hilarious and sad moment in all of this was when Turkey said it will not support any bombing campaign against ISIS from their bases. We also have a quickly growing pile of evidence that they have been one of the major logistical supporters of ISIS, even assisting in the marketing of “conflict oil” from northern Syria and the attempt to do the same in Iraq.
As a NATO country, this is a serious breach of the rules by Turkey. But the US is also a NATO country that is doing it, so everybody can blackmail everybody else for supporting terrorism, despite their alleged diplomatic immunity, which really does not cover crimes against humanity.
I fear that Obama, like Bush (43), might have problems traveling out of the country when he leaves office due to the warrants that might await him, a sad legacy indeed. George Bush and Dick Cheney are going down as among the most despised Americans in history. Why anyone would want to join them is beyond my imagination.
Mr. President, We have to stop state-sponsored terrorism first, because that is the biggest threat by far. You stood up to the Lobby crowd when they hit you with everything they had. And you stopped the Syrian bombing at the last moment. You need to get off the state-sponsored terrorism train before it gets to the end of the line.
Jim W. Dean, managing editor for Veterans Today, producer/host of Heritage TV Atlanta, specially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.