Ukraine in the world
17.04.2024 Aleena Im

It is a safe assumption that the major reason Ukraine is in its current predicament is due to Zelensky’s desire to become the new best friend of the US and its Western allies. Despite several warnings from the Kremlin to not bring NATO to Russia’s doorstep, Ukraine’s efforts to do just that were clear. Ukraine hosted military infrastructure which hosted Western troops, was working on NATO-linked navy bases in the Black Sea region, signed a US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnerships, and was benefitting from US training programs for Ukrainian

23.03.2024 Henry Kamens

Recent weeks have seen a flurry of pronouncements from Macron, the President of France, whereby he seems to be channeling the “inner Napoleon” that abides hidden in the hearts of French leaders, the same way Hitler seems to be in those of their German allies. Macron went on record as saying that NATO countries should not exclude sending troops to support Ukraine on a “bilateral basis” saying

23.02.2024 Seth Ferris

Often headlines, “clickbait” or otherwise, can be very revealing and more loaded than what you think, they can even be considered trigger-happy, especially in light of the timing, its publication source and in the wake of what else is going on in the news cycle. With the US-led military debacle in Ukraine, the interview of Putin by Tucker Carlson is a prime example of how an event can trigger a flood of such headlines…

16.02.2024 Henry Kamens

You be the judge. It is becoming clear that community standards do not apply to Facebook/Meta (is banned in Russia), MSM or whatever they call it, and many other internet sites, especially if the posts are in support of Ukraine or Poland. They are, in fact, instrumental in directing and misdirecting public discourse over Ukraine and the agenda of the [alleged] New World Order and its less than “honorable intentions”.

05.02.2024 Brian Berletic

Ukraine has invested heavily in carrying out complex operations to strike at targets across Crimea including Russian naval vessels, ports, as well as striking at civilian infrastructure including the Crimean Bridge. According to Kiev, this is all part of a strategy meant to first isolate the peninsula, then seize it from Russia. The Western media, for its part, has invested heavily in convincing the world that Ukraine is “winning” in the Black Sea, and is building on these victories not only toward seizing Crimea but also toward…

16.01.2024 Henry Kamens

It should come as no surprise that the US only provided lip-service in response to the murder of a non-Ukrainian citizen; however, more people should have you heard about Gonzalo Lira, a dual Chilean-US citizen journalist, having recently died in Ukrainian custody. But they have not, and little, if anything, has been reported in the Western media. But on Yahoo News, reading what the Ukrainian media, such as Voice of Ukraine, has to say, you would almost want to say “Good Riddance,” as even the headline is full of subterfuge regarding the reported death in custody…

09.01.2024 Brian Berletic

New Year’s 2024 saw Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky announce a new strategy toward winning its war with Russia. The Economist, which published its interview with President Zelensky on January 1, 2024 would report: Mr Zelensky gives little away about what Ukraine can achieve in 2024, saying that leaks before last summer’s counter-offensive helped Russia prepare its defences. But if he has a message, it is that Crimea and the connected battle in the Black Sea will become the war’s centre of gravity. Isolating Crimea, illegally annexed by Russia in 2014…

20.12.2023 Phil Butler

As the Ukraine conflict disappears from the world’s collective conscience, now is a good time to strive for truth in a truthless maze of misinformation. Russia’s defensive move to counter an ever-encroaching NATO has made headlines for almost two years. But the biggest battles have raged in an insurmountable war of lies. At the end of the day, the victors in this conflict, as is always the case, are revealed on the battlefield. With Israel eradicating Palestinians as if they were insects and Ukraine virtually destroyed, it’s almost as if the whole Gaza affair was orchestrated to…

27.11.2023 Brian Berletic

After nearly 2 years of portraying the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as unfolding in Kiev and the collective West’s favor, a sudden deluge of admissions have begun saturating Western headlines noting that Ukraine is not only losing, but that there is little or nothing its Western backers can do to change this fact. What had been a narrative of Ukraine’s steady gains and indomitable fighting spirit has now been replaced by the reality of Ukraine’s catastrophic losses (as well as net territorial losses) and a steady collapse of morale among troops…

16.10.2023 Yuriy Zinin
La contre-offensive de Kiev

“Kiev is bogging down in the counter-attack against Russia”, “The background of the reasons for the failure of the AFU attacks”, “The West is tired of the restless Zelensky”. These and similar headlines are used to describe the materials of Middle Eastern media, social networks and experts commenting on the attempted breakthrough of the AFU on the Russian fronts. At the same time, the coverage of events is increasingly based on the authors’ independent assessments, rather than on the theses pushed by the Western media. They reflect tendentiousness, a biased anti-Russian approach

05.10.2023 Seth Ferris

The wool is being pulled over the eyes of the masses in Ukraine, Europe, and especially the United States. The vast majority of governments are run on the same principles as the mafia.  In Mexico, the operative phrase is “El que nada debe, nada teme,” (He who owes nothing, has nothing to hide, and nothing to fear). We can also say that he who knows nothing fears nothing! Coincidence or not, with this sudden transparency and governmental oversight, can we say that the Ukrainian Minister of Defense…

02.10.2023 Phil Butler

New York Times columnist and three-time Pulitzer Prize Winner Thomas Friedman once characterized his high school years as “one big celebration of Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War.” In his latest piece for the New York Times, the prize-winning writer foresees a similar celebration when Britain, Europe, and the United States completely rule Ukraine. Interestingly, Friedman spent his high school summers at Kibbutz HaHotrim, in Israel. This Kibbutz, was established in 1953 on the site of the depopulated Palestinian village of al-Tira. Some scholars claim this area…