Ukraine in the world
19.06.2024 Simon Westwood

Russia started the Special Military Operation in Ukraine on February 22, 2022. The Russian politico-military objectives were very clear right from the beginning. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the people on February 24, and argued that the basic purpose of the Special Military Operation was to protect people who were subjected to bullying and genocide … for the last eight years and said that “we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.”

13.06.2024 Brian Berletic

In a June 8, 2024, Bloomberg article titled, “Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine,” an optimistic prognosis was made regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine in favor of Kiev.

05.06.2024 Phil Butler

The remarkable news that Italy’s Defence Minister is calling for the West to make a concerted effort to end the conflict in Ukraine may give some people hope. Guido Crosetto recently told the daily Il Messaggero that negotiation with Vladimir Putin is the only way to end the bloodshed. However, doublespeak statements from Italian politicians and business people mirror the EU’s and NATO’s rudderless single mindedness…

21.05.2024 Seth Ferris

It is obvious to all, even the most ardent Ukrainian nationalists, that Ukraine is on the ropes, being battered relentlessly by a far better trained, prepared, and capable opponent. It is like watching a college boxer get hammered by a world champion heavyweight at this point, and one would think it would be in Ukraine’s immediate and long-term interest to cry uncle and try and make the best deal it can with Russia…

10.05.2024 Henry Kamens

After the US and the UK closed the skies over Israel from incoming, Zelensky asks why they cannot do this for Ukraine. I think that in general they could try to do this in the future as a last resort, but only for a limited area, and maybe not even then. Now, and into the foreseeable future, any proactive move depends on how events in Ukraine develop, and the end, for Ukraine, is near…

04.05.2024 Seth Ferris

Just when we thought western hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine had reached rock bottom, lo and behold, they get out an excavator and keep digging. A series of precision strikes across the country over the last few days have devastated thermal and hydroelectric power plants, including the largest ones in Kiev and Kharkov…

30.04.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US Congress’ passage of the Ukraine military aid bill – which would see the US spending US$ 60 billion to directly or indirectly arm the Ukrainian military to fight Russia – has apparently provided a lot of relief to the anti-Russia elements, both in the West and elsewhere. For months, political elites in the US negotiated this bill, but it remains uncertain whether or not this funding will ultimately make much difference at all…

27.04.2024 Henry Kamens

It should come as no surprise that Ukraine is stooping to use low intelligence troops in its military, and there are even allegations of them using those with DOWNs Syndrome. We also know how the US did the same thing during the Vietnam War—less the DOWNS recruits. As during the unpopular and illegal war in Vietnam, many of the clever ones are escaping the call-up to the military by paying bribes to get out of serving, or simply escaping the country…

17.04.2024 Aleena Im

It is a safe assumption that the major reason Ukraine is in its current predicament is due to Zelensky’s desire to become the new best friend of the US and its Western allies. Despite several warnings from the Kremlin to not bring NATO to Russia’s doorstep, Ukraine’s efforts to do just that were clear. Ukraine hosted military infrastructure which hosted Western troops, was working on NATO-linked navy bases in the Black Sea region, signed a US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnerships, and was benefitting from US training programs for Ukrainian

23.03.2024 Henry Kamens

Recent weeks have seen a flurry of pronouncements from Macron, the President of France, whereby he seems to be channeling the “inner Napoleon” that abides hidden in the hearts of French leaders, the same way Hitler seems to be in those of their German allies. Macron went on record as saying that NATO countries should not exclude sending troops to support Ukraine on a “bilateral basis” saying

23.02.2024 Seth Ferris

Often headlines, “clickbait” or otherwise, can be very revealing and more loaded than what you think, they can even be considered trigger-happy, especially in light of the timing, its publication source and in the wake of what else is going on in the news cycle. With the US-led military debacle in Ukraine, the interview of Putin by Tucker Carlson is a prime example of how an event can trigger a flood of such headlines…

16.02.2024 Henry Kamens

You be the judge. It is becoming clear that community standards do not apply to Facebook/Meta (is banned in Russia), MSM or whatever they call it, and many other internet sites, especially if the posts are in support of Ukraine or Poland. They are, in fact, instrumental in directing and misdirecting public discourse over Ukraine and the agenda of the [alleged] New World Order and its less than “honorable intentions”.