28.02.2024 Anvar Azimov

Germany recently hosted the 60th International Conference on Security and the World Situation. This largest international forum brought together more than 40 heads of state and government, some 90 ministers, mainly of defence and foreign affairs, prominent political scientists, experts and media representatives. For the third year in a row, official Russian representatives were absent from the conference, although Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov once attended the forum…

25.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

On 13-15 February this year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi travelled to the Middle East on the formal occasion of attending the regular “World Government Summit”, which is one of the many international forum platforms that have emerged in recent years. Launched in 2015 at the initiative of the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, the World Government Summit is held annually with a different composition of participants in the capital Abu Dhabi. After addressing the forum and holding a number of meetings “on occasion”…

14.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

On 5 February this year, India published an interesting document entitled “Foreign Policy Review 2023“, prepared by a group of specialists from one of the country’s leading “smart tanks”, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF). Established in the early 90s of the last century mainly for the purpose of solving problems in the sphere of economy (essentially arising at that time due to the loss of the main external partner in the person of the USSR), ORF gradually expanded…

13.02.2024 Fernando Gaillardo

On 26 January, the people of India celebrated the main bank holidays, Republic Day, which commemorates the adoption of the Constitution and the country’s transition from being a British colony to a sovereign democratic state. It is a very important holiday for the people of India – a day off when schools, institutes, government organisations and most businesses are closed. In New Delhi and state capitals there are festive processions and grand military parades with the participation of all branches of the armed forces. On the main avenue of the Indian capital, where the main parade took place…

08.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

In April-May this year, India, now one of the world’s leading powers, will hold general elections to choose the members of its lower house of parliament and, consequently, to elect a new government. We should add the word “formally” here, because all the procedures prescribed by the existing constitution will need be complied with.For, as previously noted in NEO, there is now little doubt that the National Democratic Alliance, the center-right coalition that has ruled since 2014, will win yet another victory (the third in a row, albeit with varying margins). The NDA comprises more than forty parties and movements, but it is dominated by the Bharatiya Janata Party…

04.02.2024 Anvar Azimov

French head of state Emmanuel Macron visited India the other day. He was the chief guest of the celebrations in Delhi on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Republic of India, proclaimed on 26 January 1950 with the adoption of the Constitution. Traditionally, on this significant day, large-scale military parades and colourful civilian demonstrations are held in the capital and other major cities of the country. Every year the Indian leadership invites a high guest of honour to celebrate the Republic Day. Initially it was planned that US President Joseph Biden would come to Delhi, but he, citing his busy schedule, could not come and then the Indians…

10.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The visit of Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to Russia on December 25-29 is an event that deserves attention in terms of assessing the main trends in the change in the world order, which was established for a short time with the end of the Cold War. Despite the fact that today we can only roughly imagine the most general characteristics of its (future) image. But doing this will be pointless if it becomes clear that the “transition process” will inevitably result in another global massacre…

09.01.2024 Anvar Azimov

Russia and India are successfully and dynamically developing traditionally friendly relations of special privileged strategic partnership based on mutual trust, understanding and respect. In the history of our close, trusting and unique ties, there have never been any insurmountable problematic issues, and both sides are always energised to build up multi-vector mutually beneficial cooperation. Regular bilateral contacts at various levels are key in this regard. The last Russian-Indian full-scale summit was held in New Delhi in December 2021. Another summit was planned for autumn 2023…

25.12.2023 Vladimir Terehov

In the sea of available information accompanying the process of breaking the world order of the “Post-Cold War Period”, an observer of the main vectors of its transformation, as it is called, only has time to somehow comprehend and comment on the most remarkable moments and events. For example, why another contact in the lines of communication between the main participants of this process took place and what results it ended up with. Here it is not up to the prevailing in the mentioned “sea” of different kinds of trifles. Such as the news about the murder…

16.12.2023 Anvar Azimov

Relations between the two countries have always been friendly and trusting. Their distinctive feature is the absence of unresolved or problematic issues, the determination of the parties to build up multifaceted mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas on the basis of respect, trust and mutual understanding. Russia, just like the Soviet Union before, has never let this great Asian power down and always provided it with the necessary help and due assistance. And India fully reciprocates and considers the Russian direction of its foreign policy as a priority…

15.12.2023 Vladimir Terehov

In November 2023, local parliamentary elections were held in five states of India, which some experts, using the language of sports events, called the “semi-finals.” The “finals” will be the next general elections to the lower house of the country’s Central Parliament, which will be held for one or two months next spring. As a result of these elections, a new Central Government will be formed. In fact, one of the main intrigues of the recent elections in five states were the forecasts, based on the predictions regarding the content of the word “new.” Because since 2014 for two consecutive electoral…

24.11.2023 Vladimir Terehov

On November 10 of this year, the fifth annual India-US 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue took place in New Delhi, with Indian diplomats and military officials Rajnath Singh and Subrahmanyam Jaishankar serving as the hosts. Among the guests were their American counterparts, Antony Blinken and Lloyd Austin. It is necessary to stress once again that the sheer fact that such a bilateral platform exists typically suggests a high degree of trust between those who established it. The relations between the United States and India generally have followed this rule in recent years, which is further supported…