Russia in the World
10.04.2024 Abbas Hashemite

Since the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in 2021 after the US withdrawal, the government has been struggling to gain international recognition. The United States and its Western allies, the self-proclaimed champions of human rights, have left the country in the lurch. The sanctions imposed by the West on Afghanistan are sparking a humanitarian crisis in the country. However, the West continues to penalize the people of Afghanistan through international institutions, while remaining oblivion to the plight of the people of the country…

06.04.2024 Yuriy Zinin

The bloody terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall caused an outcry in political circles, the media and social networks in the Middle East. Arab foreign ministries sent messages of condolence and solidarity to the Russian Federation over the tragedy. Cairo’s Al-Azhar, the world’s oldest Muslim clerical university founded in the 10th century…

27.03.2024 Seth Ferris

The horrific attack on the concert hall “Crocus City Hall” on Friday 22nd March 2024 has rightly disgusted most reasonable people, regardless of their nationality. Chilling scenes of terrorists ruthlessly murdering unarmed civilians in the corridors, and concert hall of one of Moscow’s largest shopping and entertainment centers have been seen around the world. With, at the time of writing, at least 139 dead and hundreds more wounded, over 150 in critical care, the horrendous toll is only likely to rise further…

21.03.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

With Russia able to withstand – and virtually defeat – the combined military strength of NATO in Ukraine, its foreign policy and its diplomatic outreach to the rest of the world is bound to gain not only confidence but also become a lot more assertive than it was during the first year of this conflict when Washington launched its so-called “isolate Russia” project. Translating its military gains in Ukraine, Moscow, for instance, recently hosted Palestinian factions to unify the…

18.03.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Presidential elections in Russia have demonstrated once again that no one is able to overturn the sovereign choice of the multi-ethnic Russian people. The attempts of a global minority to delegitimize Russia’s choice are all the more ridiculous. It did not work for the instigators, and will not work. The Russian people have once again proven their sovereignty. As for the recognition of the results – it will be represented by the majority of humanity…

15.03.2024 Henry Kamens

This morning I looked at the reaction in Europe to Putin’s speech, and I came away with the impression that I have been living among lunatics, who sleep and have the same dream all the time. The West just does not want to see the reality in front of them. I want to believe that in the West there are sober analysts, and not just those mental cases that can be heard all the time from the media…

11.03.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

With the World Youth Festival 2024 (WYF) having come to an end, thousands of foreigners are on their way home – or to visit one of Russia’s many regions within the scope of the regional programme, organised specifically to show foreigners how vast and different Russia is – after an exciting and eventful week in Sochi. Participants from more than 180 countries were represented at the Festival and the Arab world was no exception; hundreds of guests and participants from all countries of the Arab world were represented at the Festival at various levels…

05.03.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The successful organization of the Games of the Future in Kazan not only once again confirmed the highest position of Russia as one of the leading powers in the fields of sports and high technologies, both in terms of results in competition as well as an organizer of such global events, but also has clearly defined a new global trend with enormous potential. The first-ever Games of the Future have concluded. The games took place at 11 competition venues in Kazan, as well as in Innopolis and the federal territory of Sirius….

29.02.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

Soon young people, experts and distinguished guests from all over the world will come together in Sochi, Russia, for the World Youth Festival 2024, the largest youth event in the world. Volunteers and organisers are already at work at the federal territory ‘Sirius’ (the Olympic Park), where the main programme will take place from 1st – 7th of March. The history of this event goes back decades; the first such festival was held by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) in 1947 in Prague…

23.02.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The Games of the Future 2024 began in the capital of Tatarstan, the city of Kazan. This international event in the field of sports and high technologies can be considered without the slightest doubt as one of the first major steps in the victory not only of Russia as organizer of these games, but also of the multipolar world in its entirety – freed from the influence of the geopolitical interests of the world minority on the fields of sport and major international competitions.

22.02.2024 Yuriy Zinin

“Putin, Carlson and the American people”, “Interview changing the future of political media”, “Putin and Biden”. These and other media headlines reflect the perception and assessments in the media space of the Middle East of the interview of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin given to the American journalist T. Biden. Putin’s interview with the American journalist T. Carlson. Carlson. It made the pages of many Arab newspapers and remains a topic of local commentators. A number of authors note that the dialogue between the two in the Kremlin is noteworthy because it opens missing doors for understanding the hot international conflict…

20.02.2024 Brian Berletic

The term “aggressive attrition,” coined by geopolitical analyst Alexander Mercouris, can be described as a strategy of deliberately and aggressively creating strategic and political dilemmas compelling an adversary to commit large amounts of manpower, equipment, and ammunition to well-prepared areas of operation. Russia has employed this strategy successfully across the line of contact in Ukraine over the course of its Special Military Operation (SMO) following its beginning in February 2022…