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ISIS, a Partner America Can Live With

America’s “coalition” may well be splitting apart. With Turkey opening the floodgates into Europe and their carpet bombing of Kurds both inside Turkey and in Iraq and Syria, Germany, Russia and France are now looking to Assad. What they and others are now being forced to...

Gordon Duff

Syrian Refugees – Changing the World One Death at a Time

The Western European governments which have so enthusiastically supported the attempts to overthrow President Assad of Syria are now saying that they are in the midst of the worst migration crisis they have ever known. Well now you...

Henry Kamens

Western Media Hype ‘Russian Aggression’ in Syria

From Washington to the western media, everyone has been talking about reports of potential Russian ‘intervention’ in Syria. On the one hand, the proliferation of this meme is a case study in the western propaganda system, as one report is then repeated...

Eric Draitser