30.05.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

All parties involved in the Syrian conflict have their own policy and vision as to how the conflict should be managed, however, said parties also have varying instruments of influence and carrying their own weight in the reconciliation process…

12.04.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

On 22 February this year, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) issued an opinion from the Investigation and Identification Team (IIT) that found ISIL* responsible for the use of chemical weapons (CW) in the Syrian town of Mari in September 2015

18.07.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Despite the good intentions and financial promises of the Brussels conference, a comprehensive solution to the Syrian crisis remains unachievable, as reported not only by Arab newspapers but also by much of the international media. It is pointed out that under the current conditions of the difficult Syrian situation, which is a detrimental consequence of the civil war unleashed by the West and several Gulf states, it is impossible, at least in the near future, to return the once prosperous Syria to the bosom of a quiet, prosperous life. As you know, on June 14 and 15, the seventh conference on supporting the future…

03.07.2023 Alexandr Svaranc
The Astana platform on Syria ended

Syria is one of the most pressing concerns on the global diplomacy agenda, with Russia combining a successful peacekeeping role with focused diplomacy. Since the fall of 2015, it has been evident that the United States, its NATO allies, and the armed opposition organizations they were backing have failed to fulfill their primary goal of removing the unwanted administration of Bashar al-Assad and establishing control over the region. The fact that the true American plans have failed is due to Russia. Initially, the entry of the Russian Aerospace Forces into Syria at the invitation of the official authorities in Damascus was greeted with alarm…

09.06.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
Syria’s Inclusion in the Arab League Marks Another Defeat for the US

For more than a decade, Washington’s “regime change” agenda in Syria involved not only defeating the Assad regime, but also forcing a territorial disintegration of the Syrian state. In the past few years, the US military presence in Syria has only served to prevent Syrian reunification. For decades, Syria and its allies – mainly Iran and Russia – worked as a durable alliance to defeat Washington’s agenda. However, with Syria’s formal inclusion into the Arab League after an 11-year-long suspension, Washington’s agenda…

25.05.2023 Viktor Mikhin

After more than a year of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, Syria’s membership in the Arab League of States (LAS) was finally restored when Arab foreign ministers reached a consensus on an issue that has been causing sharp divisions since the start of the Syrian crisis 12 years ago. On May 7, the Arab League’s foreign ministers…

16.05.2023 Gordon Duff

The US has been coercing, bribing and blackmailing drug enforcement agencies around the world to cite Syria and President Assad for producing and distributing narcotics around the Middle East. It isn’t hard to figure out that Syria exports nothing.  Syria’s oil and wheat are stolen, there are no Syrian olive oil exports and most of Syria’s industrial capacity was removed and trucked into Turkey by the White Helmets. Who Really Makes Captagon? Currently, in the US, there is a nationwide shortage of children’s medications…

25.04.2023 Viktor Mikhin
Syrian problem. Syria negotiations. United Arab Emirates. Country negotiations.

Numerous facts show that the Syrian Arab Republic is slowly but surely emerging from isolation and entering international life. Although there are still many obstacles on this difficult path, the legitimately elected Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is establishing ties with his neighbors and, above all, with Turkey, which now plays a key role on Syrian territory. It may be recalled that after the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the Turkish embassy in Damascus closed in March 2012. Despite this, the two countries maintained some contact even during the worst moments of the Western-imposed conflict. These contacts, mostly between intelligence agencies…

29.03.2023 Brian Berletic

In late March a drone strike was carried out in Syria. Not by the United States or Israel, but by forces opposing the illegal US occupation of eastern Syria. The strike left one American contractor dead and several US service members injured. While the US responded by carrying out airstrikes of its own in Syria against groups Washington claims are linked to the drone…

27.03.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which took place in Moscow, were a great success.  The Russian leader emphasized that substantial progress in the Syrian Arab Republic’s battle against international terrorism has been made possible by the nations’ combined efforts and the vital role played…

23.01.2023 Christopher Black

In an article published here in November 2018, I referred to the statement of the UK representative of a UN organisation named the International, Impartial, Independent Mechanism to Assist in the Investigation and Prosecution of Persons Responsible for the Most Serious Crimes under International Law Committed in the Syrian Arab Republic since March 2011...

12.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

Due to the US administration’s policy of continuous borrowing, including to finance the armed conflict in Ukraine, amid record inflation and fears of an impending recession, public debt exceeded $31 trillion for the first time. The Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, but tighter lending policies are causing the federal government to spend $500 billion on servicing...