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US "Plan B" in Syria is Being Implemented Now

Washington seems kin to implement its long-cherished plan B in Syria, that implies that even though the legitimate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will remain in power for a while, Syria itself will be divided into several...

Stanislav Ivanov

Syrian Ceasefire Roulette – Can Anyone Win?

“It’s better to fix what you have than wait to get what you don’t.” - an old Arab proverb. I just finished a headline news slot for the Kerry-Lavrov press conference on their long running Syrian ceasefire talks, which they had...

Jim Dean

What Syria's Kurds "Think" They are Fighting For Versus Reality

Reports are emerging of widespread armed conflict between Kurdish militants and  Syrian forces. Concentrated in and around eastern Syria and the city of Hasaka, reports indicate that Syrian forces may be on the verge of completely...

Tony Cartalucci