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US Threatens to Arm Al Qaeda, ISIS with Anti-Air Missiles

US officials have threatened Syria and its allies - including Russia specifically - that the collapse of a US-proposed ceasefire will lead "Gulf states" to arm militants with shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. A Reuters...

Tony Cartalucci

US in Syria: How to Build a Terror-State

A nation is its institutions, and should those institutions weaken, the nation itself will be weakened. And should those institutions be destroyed, the nation, for all intents and purposes, will also be destroyed. A dramatic...

Tony Cartalucci

As the Syrian Ceasefire Collapses

When Liz Sly of the Washington Post published her latest deceptive and particularly biased piece titled, "A ferocious assault on Aleppo suggests the U.S. may be wrong on Syria," she intended to give the impression that the United States...

Tony Cartalucci