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Western War Machine is in Panic Mode

The sheer inability of the collective West to force Russia into submission in Ukraine plus the fast-changing global opinion about the West in the context of the latter’s support for Israel’s brutal war on the Gazans has put the so-called ‘liberal-democratic’ world into a panic mode. The White House has already said that it will run out of money to fund Ukraine into 2024 unless the US Congress gives approval for more funding. This has led the Western war machine – primarily led by the US – to anticipate a possible defeat.

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Expanding Russian Presence in the Indian Ocean

Changing geopolitical realities and the deteriorating image of the United States are resulting in novel alliances around the world. The unipolar world under the hegemony of the United States has sparked a sense of injustice and maltreatment due to its dictatorial attitude. Military and diplomatic interventions by the United States have widened the gulf between the global north and the global south. In the recent geopolitical shifts, Russia and China have emerged as the new superpowers of the world. The global south looks at them as the new viable option for an alliance…

Abbas Hashemite

Believe It or Not, Russia Has Already Won

As the Ukraine conflict disappears from the world’s collective conscience, now is a good time to strive for truth in a truthless maze of misinformation. Russia’s defensive move to counter an ever-encroaching NATO has made headlines for almost two years. But the biggest battles have raged in an insurmountable war of lies. At the end of the day, the victors in this conflict, as is always the case, are revealed on the battlefield. With Israel eradicating Palestinians as if they were insects and Ukraine virtually destroyed, it’s almost as if the whole Gaza affair was orchestrated to…

Phil Butler