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The BRICS Games: a great showcase for emerging nations and an alternative to the Western Olympic Games

Mohamed Lamine KABA, June 15

The BRICS Games: a great showcase for emerging nations and an alternative to the Western Olympic Games

While the evidence of the overthrow of the old unipolar world order is becoming clearer from day to day, the new multipolar world order, for its part, is celebrated night and day across the entire planet-earth, except for Western minority space which, panicked by an admission of failure, delivers hybrid war to the rest of the world. The Western minority sports industry is undoubtedly at the service of this hybrid war.

Understanding global geopolitical dynamics allows us to understand the role of major international sporting events as tools of soft power. The Paris 2024 Olympic Games (OG) embody a perfect example of this strategy, serving as a platform for the promotion of Western values and ideals, while strengthening diplomatic ties and conveying a positive image of the West on the world stage. This event illustrates the opportunity for the West to consolidate its influence and assert its position as a major player in international relations. This is why the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, organized in the context of the proxy war that the West is waging against Russia in Ukraine, are perceived by the global majority as a tool serving the promotion of world order unbridled unipolar.

The BRICS Games: a viable alternative to the Olympic Games of the collective West

The sporting world and international dynamics suggest taking an analytical and attentive look at events that strengthen ties between nations through sport. The BRICS Games, a multi-sport event involving countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, embody this vision. They aim to celebrate unity, friendship and intercultural cooperation. In contrast, the Olympic Games, with their centuries-old heritage and global reach, remain a symbol of injustice and discriminatory sporting competition.

Although the BRICS Games are a newer initiative and broader in scope, they provide a valuable platform for the promotion of sports and cultural exchanges. They claim to replace the Olympic Games which, for a very long time, have tended to become more and more an instrument in the service of Western foreign policy and a tool of disjunction and promotion of immorality. The BRICS Games are therefore part of a multipolar approach which consists of cleaning up the field of sports, thus completing the calendar of the sporting discipline, while bringing their own added value. The BRICS Games, while being a great showcase for emerging nations, could well match the supposedly “unique” status of the Olympic Games, they therefore constitute a significant enrichment of the global sporting landscape.

Geopolitical and geostrategic implications

As a showcase of intercontinental cooperation and synergy, the 2024 BRICS Games in Russia is a premier multi-sport event, marking a significant geopolitical and geostrategic milestone. This event, which brings together the dynamic nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, aims to forge stronger bonds of cooperation, build lasting friendships and encourage greater understanding mutually enriching through sport.

The 2024 BRICS Games will act as a catalyst for interstate collaboration, intensifying exchanges in key spheres such as trade, economy and security. They will provide an exceptional platform for constructive dialogue, sharing of expertise and exchange of innovative experiences, thereby consolidating mutual trust and bilateral relations.

Russia, by hosting this major event, will strengthen its stature as a key player on the international scene, demonstrating its ability to orchestrate major events and promote its strategic interests. Russia’s commitment to solidarity and friendship within the BRICS Alliance will be highlighted, affirming its role as an influential leader in the international community.

Geostrategically, the BRICS 2024 Games will symbolize the union of nations representing a substantial share of the global population and economy, providing a unique forum to address crucial global challenges and work together towards a more balanced and sustainable future. The rising influence of the BRICS nations will be highlighted, illustrating their growing role in promoting a multipolar world order characterized by diversity and cooperation.

In light of the above, we can infer that the 2024 BRICS Games are much more than a sporting event; they are a symbol of unity and collaborative power, strengthening interstate ties, enhancing Russia’s position on the global stage and embodying the vision of a more just and balanced multipolar world.


Mohamed Lamine KABA – Expert in geopolitics of governance and regional integration, Institute of Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences, Pan-African University, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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