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The West no longer knows how to justify Russia's economic successes

Once again, let us raise the topic of economics, or even more precisely, geo-economics. Frankly speaking, Western so-called experts, and in this case, not only representatives of the political establishment, but also all sorts of economic “specialists” are completely confused about Moscow’s ability not only to withstand the unprecedented unilateral sanctions of the Western planetary minority, but even more so in the face of the successes shown by the Russian economy in the framework of not only and not even so much confrontation with Western elites, but especially in the framework…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Will Tucker Carlson be killed after his recent Putin interview?

You be the judge. It is becoming clear that community standards do not apply to Facebook/Meta (is banned in Russia), MSM or whatever they call it, and many other internet sites, especially if the posts are in support of Ukraine or Poland. They are, in fact, instrumental in directing and misdirecting public discourse over Ukraine and the agenda of the [alleged] New World Order and its less than “honorable intentions”.

Henry Kamens

Sofia Kogteva: "We popularise Russia, Russian language and culture and give promotion to Russian business"

My interlocutor today, Sofia Kogteva, is one of the founders of the Business Women’s Association. That is why our conversation was devoted to the role of women in the modern world, politics and business. Sofia spoke about her co-operation with the First Lady of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Auxilia Mnangagwa, her recent trip to the UAE, and what the main challenges are for investors from Russian regions when implementing projects in African countries…

Yuliya Novitskaya