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Riyadh’s "Oil War" on Russia has some Global Objectives

The on-going Saudi ‘oil war’ with Russia has its roots in the logic of increasingly using natural resources for geo-political and geo-economic purposes. While this is not something entirely new, the latest push comes against the backdrop of increasing competition between the US and Russia for global leadership roles and the former’s attempts at forcing the latter out...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

WaPo Admits Crimeans Are Happy Russians

The Washington Post - an inveterate keystone of US foreign policy propaganda - made a surprising admission recently. The people of Crimea - allegedly "annexed" by the Russian Federation - are vastly satisfied under Moscow's governance. The Washington Post article titled, "Six years and $20 billion in Russian investment later, Crimeans are happy with...

Tony Cartalucci

Two Years After the Skripals Were Poisoned the Mainstream Media and Governments Are Still Lying

A little over two years ago, on 3 March 2018, two persons were found in a distressed state on a park bench in the English provincial city of Salisbury. The two were identified as Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal. Both were taken to hospital where they eventually recovered and were discharged. Sergei...

James ONeill