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Civilizational Rift: a Small Bump or a Major Hurdle?

Today, it is clear that the beginning of Russia’s special military operation on the territory of Ukraine on February 24 this year was a landmark moment in the modern stage of world history. Regardless of the evaluation of this operation, its objectives and legitimacy, one thing is clear today – it has already become the watershed that separates the old stage of world development from the new...

Pavel Nastin

On Washington’s Request, Ukraine has Now Turned against Turkey as Well

As the Russian proverb says: “You can give the wolf the best food, but he would hanker for the wood.” This folk wisdom has a disapproving, judgmental connotation. The main allegorical meaning is that the true essence will always reveal itself, despite anyone’s best efforts to change it. This is what is happening today in Turkey’s relations...

Valery Kulikov

Relations between Russia and Algeria are Developing Rapidly

Unlike Europe, Russia did not leave a colonial imprint on the Arab world. Moreover, it was Moscow that in the previous century was actively involved in decolonization, in freeing many Arab states from their previous political and economic dependence on the West, in creating their own economies and policies independent of Europe. Russian-Arab cooperation received a boost in 2000...

Vladimir Odintsov