Something very disturbing is happening in Poland. At any period of that country’s history this could have been said. But this is another seemingly local issue which could have far-reaching implications.
The current Polish government has attracted a lot of international controversy. Though Poland is a member of the EU, committed to integration, liberalisation and globalisation, its ruling Law and Justice Party has adopted attitudes typical of a right-wing dinosaur party: protectionism, chauvinism, authoritarianism, and dividing everyone into “good” and “bad” camps.
This is Poland’s version of the populism which is sweeping the world as people lose faith in politicians. It happens to be of a right-wing slant in Poland, though not always elsewhere, due to the country’s more recent history: few want to restore the old aristocracy, but neither do they want anything tainted with Communism, or which has any sort of foreign, for which read Russian, flavour.
It is therefore understandable why Poland should have gone in this direction, particularly when it has a proud history of its own, which it can view as selectively as it wants. But like every other country, Poland has been thrust, like it or not, into the new era no one saw coming, which we might call the Post-Pandemic Age.
All the stuff which once seemed defective and old hat, like much of what the EU stands for, has subtly gained a new relevance when governments have imposed lockdowns on their voters, and we have all been put in the same boat. No longer can populists of any variety trade on simply attacking the other side, and blaming the straw men the public doesn’t like for everyone’s problems, when they put us all on the same side, and we didn’t like it.
As the populists are seeing their traditional catchphrases fall on increasingly deaf ears, they have to adapt their message to a more inclusive, co-operative mentality. The obvious way to do this is to appeal to their supposed moral authority – which can no longer be based on what the disillusioned public wanted before the pandemic, but on having better ways of helping everyone rather than justifying some people by destroying others.
This is where the disturbance comes in. Right-wing populist parties generally have several selling points: they can be assumed to be better at managing the economy, and they appeal to traditional values people expect to be upheld by those above them.
But Poland’s populists have, through no fault of their own, locked themselves into a position they cannot defend, but have to promote anyway. The problem is: what happens when people start giving this a mandate, and what will they then expect to be delivered?
Guided By A Star
Poland’s voters are aware that the next parliamentary election must take place no later than November this year. This seems quite a long way off, but there is also the possibility of a snap election, which may well be called if the ruling party sees a short-term advantage which might have dissipated by the time the scheduled poll is held.
So, the Law and Justice Party is operating with one eye on the practical issues it needs to resolve now, and one eye on campaign rhetoric which is often far divorced from reality, anywhere. Party programmes are often very practical and detailed, supported by sophisticated analysis. But when was the last time you heard an election candidate say, “just read our manifesto”?
In order to campaign, Polish politicians have to square a very difficult circle. Poland is both a democracy, of sorts, and a republic. The problem this presents is that most voters agree with the principle of a republic, but no one actually wants one in practice.
Even the most ardent republican would not want the state and its leaders to be mere cyphers, at the mercy of popular opinion which can change radically in a short period, and doesn’t actually exist unless every dissenter is exterminated on sight. Poland was the country which adopted the Liberum Veto, i.e. one single contrary vote kills the motion, in the glorious past the right likes to hark back to. Its government may attack those with contrary opinions, but needs them to be part of “popular opinion” so those with “good” opinions can be identified.
In any country, voters support charismatic figures, associated with success, who present a vision they can buy into and seem to be set apart from others, born to lead rather than follow. Exactly what a king is supposed to be, and obliged to be by the demands of the job, whatever sort of monarchy you have.
Poles always used to have such a figure to turn to – Karol Wojtyla, otherwise known successively as the Archbishop of Krakow, Pope John Paul II and now St. John Paul II. The late pope was a global superstar, in an office in which everything he said was automatically right, who presented a very different teaching to the prevailing Communism of his time and inspired generations of Poles to believe that Christianity was morally superior, and the country could be rebuilt on that basis.
The success of John Paul II in his role was a source of considerable pride to Poles everywhere. They no longer had to say they came from the country of Communism, but the country of JP2. People started writing novels about Polish history, producing blockbuster movies about the supposed regeneration represented by the election of a Polish Pope, and the ultimate overthrow of Communism made Poland the champion of the free world which had derided it for so long, even before the Communists came to finish the job.
Obviously, there are a lot of votes in being the party which supports John Paul II. In a majority Roman Catholic country, seeking to rebuild itself around traditions people see as their own, everyone wants to portray themselves as the true standard bearers of his legacy.
Communism is left, the Church is right, in broad terms. So, the Law and Justice Party, whose very name combines what are supposed to be Christian and not secular concepts, has no choice but to portray itself that way to the people.
The Star is Falling
However, the perceived nastiness and undoubted divisiveness of the Law and Justice Party government is harming the Church, with whom it is closely associated, more than the government itself. This in turn is harming the party, which can’t shelter under the Church’s moral teachings when people have less respect for those.
As in the US and UK, the blame game energises the yob element, who have nothing to offer but violence and hostility, but gradually alienates the core Christian voters. So why is the Church supporting a government which increasingly equates what people think of as morals with the “woke liberal” culture it claims to oppose?
The dilution of respect for the Polish Roman Catholic Church as an institution has occurred during the Law and Justice period of office. They are both on a visible downward trajectory. This has now gathered pace as a result of a Polish TV documentary, Franciszkańska 3, which claims that John Paul II covered for known paedophile priests in his diocese rather than defrocking them and sending them to the authorities.
The allegations relate to Wojtyla’s time as Archbishop of Krakow, and indicate that he did what almost all Roman Catholic hierarchs did at that time: treat child abusing clergy as sinners who should be received with love, rather than criminals who should be kept away from their victims, who were likewise members of the Church. These actions have since been interpreted as the Church protecting the privileged and powerful at the expense of the general population, exactly what the Polish Communist Party was perceived to be doing.
If you attack any national hero, you are going to get a backlash. Having based its own authority around JP2’s, the Law and Justice Party has led condemnations of the documentary in very familiar defensive terms.
The government has claimed that the documentary is an “attack upon Poland’s national identity” – in other words, everyone agrees with us, or they aren’t Polish. It has also claimed that TVN, the station which broadcast it, is a foreign-funded sabotage organisation, which may well be true but has nothing to do with what JP2 did with the three paedophile priests, who were not exposed or defrocked whilst in his charge.
It is also claimed that TVN’s information comes from old Communist era files, which cannot be taken as reliable because the Communists were constantly trying to undermine the church. Again this is true, but it was a post-Communist Poland which eventually sentenced two of these priests to short prison terms, the other having being removed from its jurisdiction on JP2’s recommendation.
There is an obvious disconnect here between image and reality, and therefore Poles are being asked to make a choice: are they prepared to overlook what John Paul II allegedly did, for the sake of the teaching and glamour he represents? If so, are they prepared to see every attack on him as false, ill-motivated and an attack on the country as a whole?
There was a time when Law and Justice could rely on enough people doing this. Covid has made people care more about their actual problems and less about who they can blame. Using JP2 and his legacy in this way may serve to harm Law and Justice rather than help it.
Nevertheless, Law and Justice still holds all the cards, as its attacks on independent institutions are stifling dissent, and it still has a plurality of support. So, the spectre Poland is presenting is that its next parliamentary election may be decided on people’s attitudes to child abuse.
If such behaviour is rightly condemned, we are in for a witch hunt of everyone associated with the current ruling party, from ministers to ordinary voters, and also of the Church as an institution. If it is implicitly tolerated by the re-election of Law and Justice, we will see the dangerous precedent of image and rhetoric being more important than anything – and of other parties in other countries seeing this, and wanting to follow suit.
Some Things Must Exist
Supporters of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are fond of telling us that we live in a post-truth age, and it shouldn’t matter if our politicians are con artists who habitually lie, cheat and steal. Even though both are now out of office, they have left a legacy of building aggressive popular movements around making a lot of noise, and stoking hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with the false propaganda, or counters it with facts and journalism.
If Law and Justice succeed by saying that it doesn’t matter than John Paul II protected child abusers at the expense of their victims, it won’t be saying that the good he did, and the values he represents, outweigh this error. It will be saying that child abuse itself in unimportant provided you are on the right side, one of the “in” crowd who say the right things.
Those things will not have to have any moral content—or any intrinsic value at all. They will be simply the mantra of those who want to set themselves apart and destroy everyone else, whose only qualification is that they want to do this, not that it does any good.
We have all observed this process. In the democratic West, new educational models were adopted after World War Two for the new classless societies. If someone didn’t agree with one small thing these new schools did, even if they accepted the general policy, they were branded a reactionary fuddy-duddy who was too stupid to be allowed a voice, just as those who objected to the Soviet Union’s practices were sent to psychiatric institutions because no same person could disagree with one tiny part of Communism.
Law and Justice will not have any moral superiority at all if it claims that child abuse is OK if the great Pole John Paul II let his clergy get away with it. Most Poles would not support a party which made this its election platform. But if they do support such a party because only its self-image matters, where are we all headed?
No one will care about their own practical problems, let alone those of their neighbours. Like Brexiteers, they won’t give a damn what the consequences of their actions are, or what former supporters think about them, as long as they are accepted as members of the club, and can attack everyone else for the sake of doing it.
In a dictatorship this is always the risk, because the only structure of accountability is force. But what if a party wins a democratic election on this basis, setting this example to others, and is at the same time a member of the EU, generally well regarded and on the “good” side of the current political divides?
People who object to child abuse by priests should not be declared enemies of the people by their own governments. That is precisely the world Poland will create if Law and Justice takes the position it has, and uses it to defend its general behaviour.
There are more important things for Polish voters to worry about. But if they elect those who think maintaining a self-serving fantasy is more important than the harm done to real people, they will wish they could only worry about those things.
Seth Ferris, investigative journalist and political scientist, expert on Middle Eastern affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.