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Assessing the Costs and Benefits of “Punishing Russia”

With the referendum on Crimean independence and possible reunification with Russia now taking place, the US and its European allies have threatened punitive actions to punish Moscow. These measures include the denial of visas...

Eric Draitser

Reuters on Crimea: The Triumph of Hypocrisy

March 16, 2014 marks the day when the people of Crimea go to the voting booths to decide whether they will be part of Ukraine or part of Russia. While the referendum is no doubt important to people living in Crimea, I for one remain highly skeptical that the results will actually be the ultimate arbiter on the territorial decisions made about Crimea. The outside players, namely Ukraine...

Matthew Crosston

Leaked documents show US Embassy in Ukraine is staging a False Flag

Evidence, including intercepted emails from “Anonymous Ukraine” and interviews with US special operations contractors, has led to the discovery of plans to stage a series of terror attacks in the Ukraine to be blamed on Russian Special Forces...

Gordon Duff