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Guns 4-Hire: American and Western Business Model 4-Wars of Choice and Dirty Tricks

The “Good Guys” come from those same countries that are screaming the loudest over the audacity of Russia for having used them themselves, and to add insult to injury, those are the same countries that developed this business model in the first place – even the Vatican with its long tradition of Swiss Guards, were afraid of local hires, as they might turn and murder the Pope instead of risking their lives to protect him. And not to forget all the “rigmarole and fanfare” over the proffered coup attempt by the Wager Group, or protest, depending on your standpoint…

Henry Kamens

Blood Commodities: BlackRock's Role in the Ukraine Carnage

Ukraine has become a symbol for all those who understand the war; there is money for blood. And there has been no negotiation to end hostilities because the money is and will continue to flow by the tanker load. Let’s briefly examine who stands to gain from the death of hundreds of thousands. Blackrock and JPMorgan top a list of banking pirates raking in profits because of the shifted economics of the Ukraine conflict. Prices for commodities tied to Ukraine and Russia are making investors in these and other firms ecstatic. However, real profit is on the horizon when government and public sector investments in the war-torn country…

Phil Butler

NATO Promises a Tricky Long War on Russia

The latest NATO summit has been ‘successful’ insofar as it brought Sweden’s membership very close to becoming a reality. At the same time, the summit also made clear that the alliance, even though it fell short of offering membership to Ukraine, is gearing up for a long war with Russia. The most prominent proponent of this war is, as could be expected, Joe Biden, who is supposedly fighting the war to protect the US-led global world order, and he is doing this by following the legacy of his predecessors who did the same during the Cold War era. It would not be an exaggeration to contend that Biden’s summit…

Salman Rafi Sheikh