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Taiwan’s ruling party suffers major defeat

At first glance, Taiwan’s local elections on November 26 may seem like a sideshow when compared with the development of the current phase of the “Great World Game.” However, this is a false impression, which is at the very least contradicted by the fact that the preliminary results (which were completely unexpected even for the author of this article)...

Vladimir Terehov

China factor in recent international fora

The phrase “shifting the center of gravity of global processes to the Indo-Pacific” has long been a well-established meme, i.e. it reflects a fairly obvious reality. In this regard, the fact that from November 8 to 19 this year in Cambodia Indonesia and Thailand, in the three countries of the (sub)region of Southeast Asia, a series of international events was held with the attendance...

Vladimir Terehov

Olaf Scholz, Germany’s Chancellor, visits China

On November 4, Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz flew to Beijing for talks with the Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang - a remarkable development, given the current state of the Great Global Game. The visit was surprising for a number of reasons - and here, by way of introduction, a few words of explanation are required...

Vladimir Terehov