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Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and the Railway Projects

Washington is actively trying to take advantage of the transportation deadlock that Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan found themselves in after the Soviet Union’s collapse to advance its regional New Silk Road program. It is obvious that the project’s main goal is…
Viktoria Panfilova

Problems Arising from China’s Development. Part 6

Some conclusions. I make no claim to cover China’s problems completely in this article. Nevertheless, the issues I discuss allow us to draw some conclusions and better understand China’s prospects for the near future. China’s main problem can be described…
Konstantin Penzev

Problems Arising from China’s Development. Part 4

Problems of political stability § 1.  China’s chief domestic political stability problem is its ethnic heterogeneity. Unlike the European Union, however, China has a core population — the Han Chinese. This buttresses China’s national identity. What are China’s leaders doing…
Konstantin Penzev