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Where Will First Chinese Overseas Military Bases Spring Up?

As history shows, significant improvement of a country's economic situation inevitably boosts its military ambitions. The world has been holding its breath for the last 30 years witnessing...

Sofia Pale

China Quietly Prepares Golden Alternative to Dollar System

China, as current chair of the G-20 group of nations, called on France to organize a very special conference in Paris. The fact such a conference would even take place in an OECD country is a sign of how weakened the hegemony of the US...

F. William Engdahl

American Aggression Against China: A World Crisis Looms

The American aggression against China continued Tuesday May 10th with the invasion of Chinese waters just off the Spratly Islands by an American destroyer as China’s limited stock of patience continues to run out. By sending their ships...

Christopher Black