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Towards India-Russia Relations in the Context of the Munich Commemorative Security Conference

Germany recently hosted the 60th International Conference on Security and the World Situation. This largest international forum brought together more than 40 heads of state and government, some 90 ministers, mainly of defence and foreign affairs, prominent political scientists, experts and media representatives. For the third year in a row, official Russian representatives were absent from the conference, although Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov once attended the forum…

Anvar Azimov

India: Narendra Modi visits UAE and Qatar; farmers revolt again

On 13-15 February this year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi travelled to the Middle East on the formal occasion of attending the regular “World Government Summit”, which is one of the many international forum platforms that have emerged in recent years. Launched in 2015 at the initiative of the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, the World Government Summit is held annually with a different composition of participants in the capital Abu Dhabi. After addressing the forum and holding a number of meetings “on occasion”…

Vladimir Terehov

Towards the release of India's Foreign Policy Review 2023; the context of the upcoming elections

On 5 February this year, India published an interesting document entitled “Foreign Policy Review 2023“, prepared by a group of specialists from one of the country’s leading “smart tanks”, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF). Established in the early 90s of the last century mainly for the purpose of solving problems in the sphere of economy (essentially arising at that time due to the loss of the main external partner in the person of the USSR), ORF gradually expanded…

Vladimir Terehov