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Syrian Tragedy and US inhuman sanctions

Unfortunately, the death toll from the devastating earthquake that struck southwest Turkey and northwest Syria continues to rise. According to the latest figures, the number of those killed in both regions has reached a staggering 36,000, more than 100,000 inhabitants were injured. An unknown number of victims are still under the rubble. The evacuation will take...

Viktor Mikhin

Georgia and Turkey: “Productive Partners” in More than Crime

In Tbilisi, as in any other European capital, you will see Turkish restaurants. There has always been a Turkish community in Georgia, and neighbouring Azerbaijan is a Turkic state, speaking a similar language. So there is nothing unusual about Georgia being like everywhere else in this regard. However Georgia is a very nationalistic country…

Seth Ferris

Iran is developing an active foreign policy

In their assessments of Iran’s foreign policy after the 1979 February Revolution, experts often tend to have a one-sided and biased perception of Tehran’s diplomacy. In particular, a certain stereotype has emerged, according to which Iran, as the main Shiite Islamic state by religion, is the flagship of world Shiism, strives for absolute hegemony in the Islamic...

Alexandr Svaranc