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Bleak future for Ethnic NK Armenians, “Has Pashinyan Made Serious Policy Blunders?”

The old adage of you can’t have your cake and eat it too has special meaning for Armenians worldwide. The world is just too distracted with more important things, like Ukraine, and like throughout history, Armenians are cast off and presented as being their own worst enemies. However, that is far from the truth in today’s geopolitical realities. The Western Headlines of Azerbaijan’s latest battlefield gains are timed for the greatest clickbait effect, and can be most revealing for the game being played. Shockingly Quick Defeat

Henry Kamens

Digest of Inter-Korean Tensions amid US-ROK Joint Exercises. Part 2. The North Korean Response

The DPRK’s response to the upcoming exercises began long before the exercises started. From August 1-12, the North Korean leader visited a number of military factories.In particular, from August 3 to 5, Kim Jong-un visited factories producing multiple rocket launchers (MLRS) and engines for cruise missiles and drones.In addition, he familiarized himself with the production of launchers for tactical missiles equipped with nuclear warheads, as well as small arms production.Kim also visited the construction of a new factory for the production…

Konstantin Asmolov

The UAE’s inclusion in BRICS improves Arab country's position

The BRICS meeting in Johannesburg on August 22–24 has sparked a lot of interest around the world, which is debating what beneficial outcomes will come from this crucial forum. The focus is on analyzing and considering the admission of new BRICS members, including such a prosperous state as the United Arab Emirates. Why such a strong organization as BRICS has focused on this relatively small state with a population of roughly 10 million and an area of 83.6 thousand km raises some question.  The UAE is one of the world’s top oil producers, and oil and gas production together…

Viktor Mikhin