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Coup Plots and Pending Presidential Impeachment: USAID* Makes the Quiet American in Georgia Nosy and Paranoid!

One of the first things you learn when you go outside into the world as a specialist of International Development, especially if you are from the US, is that the proposed changes to be made by the recipients of US “assistance” are “Not for the Good,” and USAID* has little or nothing to do with “Good Change”, as development is defined by the experts (Robert Chambers) and most developmental agencies are Really up to No Good!  The case study of Georgia since the collapse…

Henry Kamens

The US Afghan Adjustment Act is still stuck in the pipeline. Or - the White House’s policy of double standards

It is an accepted fact that when a major world power gets involved in a foreign conflict, it will always find local sympathizers – we could call them helpers or even collaborators – who, whether motivated by ideology or forced to do so by circumstances – support external intervention in the fate of their country. However, there is no guarantee that the world power that embarks on a war will be successful, either militarily or politically. Throughout history…

Alexandr Svaranc

Transport in Mongolia: Mongolian Road Transport Revolution?

If railway transport in Mongolia made a qualitative breakthrough and had many ambitious endeavours in 2023, the country’s road transport had a symbolic moment that took place in 2022. We are talking about achieving an epoch-making transport and communication task, namely the final connection by asphalt roads the administrative centres of all parts of the country, 21 aimags with the country’s capital, Ulaanbaatar. However, the preliminary results for 2023 in the field of road transport are slightly brightened up by such a significant event for Mongolia. 2023 brought about a breakthrough in the field of transit…

Boris Kushhov