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How Kazakhstan's CHP problem showed the hypocrisy of the West and gave Russia an opportunity to showcase new proposals

In April 2023, the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan assessed the degree of deterioration of the main CHPs in the country. As a result, it was found that most of the facilities were significantly depreciated, with many of them (as many as 17) having depreciation rates exceeding 70%. The Ministry’s report reflects another peculiarity of Kazakhstan’s CHPs – all of them (37 units) were built during the Soviet period. Privatisation of this sector of the economy in the 1990s led to the concentration of sectoral facilities with private companies…

Boris Kushhov

North Korean Satellite: Awaiting Its Third Attempt

Discussions that the DPRK’s attempt to launch a satellite will entail the rupture of the inter-Korean military agreement impel the author to remind the audience how the preparation process for this launch is going on. On May 31, North Korea launched its first military spy satellite, Malligyong-1, mounted on a new-type carrier rocket, Chollima-1. According to North Korean media, the rocket crashed into the Yellow Sea after the second stage engine malfunctioned. In July 2023, North Korean satellite debris was retrieved from the Yellow Sea, after which South Korean experts declared that…

Konstantin Asmolov

"Hezbollah" maintains the threat of entering the Arab-Israeli conflict

The pro-Iranian Shi’ite military organisation and political party Hezbollah (“Party of Allah”) is known to advocate the establishment of an Islamic state in Lebanon along the lines of Iran. Initially, this structure supported the just struggle of the Palestinians against Israel, for which it was recognized by Tel Aviv as a terrorist organisation. With the beginning of the anti-Israeli military conflict of Hamas on 7 October this year, “Hezbollah declared its readiness to support the Arabs the very next day, and to enter the war if the IDF launched a ground operation against the Gaza Strip…

Alexandr Svaranc