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Hypocrisy, double standards and lies – business as usual for the Media in the West

Viktor Mikhin, March 25, 2024

Hypocrisy, double standards and lies - business as usual for the Media in the West. western media

It is no secret that the “democratic” Western media widely and unashamedly use hypocritical rhetoric and apply double standards when they report various events in countries which the United States and NATO see as adversaries. A prime example of this is their policy of Iranophobia in their coverage of Iran’s domestic and foreign policy initiatives.

While these Western media platforms are eager to criticize Iran’s foreign policy aspirations, they very conveniently overlook similar, or even more troubling, actions by other global powers, especially the United States. Despite the extensive US involvement in the arms trade and its ubiquitous military presence around the world, the Western media appears to turn a blind eye to these aspects of its conduct. Instead, they focus disproportionately on condemning Iran’s actions, which they claim threaten the interests of nations around the world. This glaring inconsistency in reporting undermines the credibility of the Western media and their claim to provide impartial and comprehensive coverage of international affairs. There is no doubt that the media should adopt a balanced and objective approach when reporting on international issues, and refuse to propagate double standards and biased narratives for the benefit of the West.

Western media lies in reporting on Iranian-Sudanese co-operation

On March 3 the Wall Street Journal published a report entitled “Iran Tried to Persuade Sudan to Allow a Naval Base on its Red Sea Coast.” The article, completely without any factual basis, claimed that Tehran was somehow trying to establish a military presence in the Red Sea region by proposing the construction of a naval base to the government in Khartoum. However, the WSJ’s claims, or rather brazen lies, regarding Iran’s alleged efforts to establish a permanent naval base in Northeast Africa were categorically refuted by Sudan’s Foreign Minister Ali al-Sadiq Ali.

Speaking during the Antalya Diplomatic Forum 2024 in Turkey, he unequivocally condemned the Wall Street Journal article as “false and fabricated.” He emphasized that during his recent visit to Iran, no discussions regarding the establishment of a military base were raised. “I just visited Iran, but no one brought up this matter to me there,” he clarified, dispelling any notions of Iran soliciting Sudan for such a base.

In light of the current improvement in Iran-Sudan relations, it is crucial to scrutinize the veracity of such statements made by certain Western media outlets and approach them critically. Accusations of this nature could not only strain diplomatic relations but also exacerbate tensions in the highly turbulent region where Israel, backed by the US, is currently massacring Palestinians in Gaza. It is essential to exercise caution and discretion in the consumption and dissemination of information, especially when it relates to sensitive geopolitical issues.

Double standards of Western media in relation to events in the Red Sea.

Western media, primarily US and British sources, have attempted to blame Tehran for the current unrest in the Red Sea by linking Yemeni Houthi resistance operations to Iran. Following the retaliatory actions taken by Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement against ships directly linked to Israel, Western media narratives have deviated from the true motives behind the attacks. Instead, they have frequently and incorrectly claimed that Tehran is supplying arms to Sana’a to undermine world trade.

Rejecting such unsubstantiated claims, Yemeni officials have consistently emphasized that these operations are a direct response to Israel’s war crimes and the ongoing genocide in Gaza, which is supported by the US military. Iranian diplomatic channels have in turn stated that resistance groups such as Ansarullah operate independently and are not under Tehran’s command. Moreover, the autonomy of these resistance groups is evident from the large-scale demonstrations taking place in the Yemeni capital Sana’a. These rallies strongly condemn Israel’s aggression and express solidarity with the Yemeni army’s efforts against Israeli-linked vessels. The massed voices of the Yemeni people confirm the authenticity of the Yemeni resistance movements, and clearly belie any claims that these movements are aligned with Tehran.

Hypocrisy of Western media in connection with South America

Last July, the defense ministries of Iran and Bolivia signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism along Bolivia’s borders. However, some Western media, as if on cue, chose to portray the agreement as a “threat” to neighboring Argentina, thus fostering an atmosphere of fear and suspicion.

With Bolivia’s permeable borders providing little protection against gun runners and drug traffickers, Bolivia finds itself in a precarious position. However, one potential solution lies in a strategic partnership with Tehran to strengthen its borders and improve the internal situation in this multi-ethnic state. By upgrading its defense cooperation with Iran, Bolivia can greatly enhance its national security. This co-operation will provide Bolivia with invaluable support against persistent threats, giving it the resources and expertise it needs to effectively defend its citizens and borders. It is important to note that this cooperation between the two countries is not directed against the interests of any third country, and is aimed exclusively at strengthening peace within South America

Regardless of the region in which Tehran seeks to expand its peaceful foreign policy initiatives, Western media platforms consistently adopt a sensationalist line, fueling the prevailing Iranophobic narrative, and portraying Iran as an impending global threat. This tendency is particularly evident in the Middle East region, which, according to Western media, has long been under Iran’s thumb.

Analyzing the deception and “integrity” of the Western media

The Western media are persistently trying to vilify Iran’s foreign policy by widely and continuously disseminating misleading and fake news. However, in doing so, they somehow manage to turn a blind eye to the numerous arms deals entered into by the United States and its military presence around the world, which has led to a significant escalation of tensions, especially in West Asia.  The United States maintains about 750 military bases in at least 80 countries, although the actual number may be even higher as the Pentagon does not release complete data, as Al Jazeera notes. The Chicago Policy Review points out that US defense contractors, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon, make huge profits from arms sales, which often exacerbate conflict and human rights abuses around the world. Together, these companies account for 40 per cent of the world’s arms exports.

Despite ongoing humanitarian crises, such as the situation in the Gaza Strip, the US continues to support Israel with extensive arms shipments, ignoring international calls for a ceasefire. Last December alone, President Biden approved two major arms deals with a combined value of hundreds of millions of dollars, raising questions about the beneficiaries and ethical implications of such transactions.

Unfortunately, the Western media abandon almost all professional and ethical principles of journalism when covering events in countries seen by the United States and NATO as adversaries, and often the resulting stories are so extreme that even some Western journalists condemn them as fabrications. Remember how the media in the “democratic world” reacted with “horror” to Bashar Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons and “rapes” in Syria! These emotionally charged reports are usually prepared by Western intelligence agencies and released to the media to incite international anger in line with the “strategic interests” of the West. In reality it is these reports that are the real instigators of wars in many parts of the globe.

In addition to the usual pro-war and pro-Western sanctions media such as Fox News and CNN, today even Britain’s The Guardian and Channel 4 News have sold out, adjusting their line to suit the interests of the West’s military-industrial complex. In recent years, YouTube, one of the world’s largest online video-sharing platforms, has become a breeding ground for hate speech, cyberterrorism and disinformation. Despite its claims to uphold high community standards, YouTube has failed to take action against channels that spread vile propaganda against those countries in the Global South which are increasingly taking a stand against the West’s self-serving policies.

While the Western media focus on demonizing the foreign policy of the Global South, they ignore Washington’s aggressive militarism and lucrative arms sales. It is essential to scrutinize the motives behind these double standards and to hold accountable those who profit from “perpetual” conflict and instability on the world stage. There are relevant international organizations for this purpose, headed by the UN, the International Court of Justice and a number of others. As they say, if only there was a will to break and curb the aggressive West and direct international relations in a peaceful direction for the benefit of all countries, not just the West.


Viktor Mikhin, corresponding member of RANS, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook

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