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Chinese Leader Xi Jinping visits Vietnam

On December 12-13, Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Vietnam. This has been his third such visit since he’s been holding China’s highest party and state positions (since around 2012-2013), and the first in six years. That is, the head of the second world power does not visit its southern neighbor too often (to put it politely), even though the two countries sharing a 1,000-km border. And despite the fact that the Vietnamese leadership (mainly members of the Communist party) make regular visits to Beijing. The difference in the frequency of mutual “courtesies” is due…

Vladimir Terehov

Operation Prosperity Guardian shows Racism and Pyromania

As the US operation against Gaza using Israeli partner continues for two and a half months due to US efforts of shooting down UN resolutions for a ceasefire, Lloyd Austin announced Operation Prosperity Guardian against Houthis in Yemen, attesting to the US unexplained love for war that can be likened to pyromania. It could be a matter of time before the American soldiers from the comfort of their ships and aircraft start lobbing bombs and bullets at impoverished defenseless Yemenis, already in the worst humanitarian disaster, just like Israelis are doing to Palestinians…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Results of the Herat Security Dialogue international conference

In the period from November 27 to 28, 2023, the 11th meeting of the Herat Security Dialogue was held in the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe. The event was organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS), which was relocated to the UK after the Taliban came to power in 2021. It is worth noting that Tajikistan has become the venue for the international conference on Afghan issues for the second year in a row. The event was attended by more than 150 people, including foreign experts, former politicians, representatives of international organizations…

Dmitry Sinelnikov